
Your favorite

Jason shakes his head at Misty's question, leaving his face hidden. No... he wasn't okay. He and Dalton weren't close friends, but they were friends, and when any member of their team got taken down like that... it was hard to handle. And it drove home the fact that it could happen to any of them any time they were out on the job. It could have been Nate... himself... or even Con. 

Alec stands by awkwardly for a moment before finally returning to the living room. Easing back down on the couch, he curls up on his side, but was too awake now to sleep. He wasn't sure he'd ever felt something like this before. It was different... numbing... scary. He didn't like it. After he'd been such a jerk, he wasn't sure where he and Dalton stood, as far as friendship went, but he still knew he owed Dalton for having treated him well when others didn't care. Why did someone like him have to get shot? It didn't seem fair. 

Back in the kitchen, Jason finally rises from the table and wanders to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. "Yeah, Reese is gonna call me when he knows more," he finally answers her." Watching blood swirl down the drain, he grits his teeth against his emotions. And for once, he wished he hadn't learned to feel again. Splashing some cold water on his face, he leans on the counter and just stares down into the sink, trying to maintain control. He was still on duty. He was here to guard Misty. He had to stay focused. 

The information from Nate made Dani feel numb, even though her body was surging with adrenaline. Sitting down in the chair, she stares at the floor, not even sure what to do. She knew these men, but she had no one here she was close to. No one to really turn to. What was going to happen? Was Dalton going to be okay? She knew that working with the Elite could be dangerous, but he was always back at the office just working on computers. Somehow, she'd always imagined that maybe he was safer from the danger that way. But it was obvious now that she'd only been fooling herself.

Remaining in the waiting room, there were times Reese left for a while, then came back - Dani would hear him talking with Nate in the hall, things to do with the case and what all had happened. Coffee was turned down... though she felt exhausted, there was no way she could sleep anyway. All she wanted was to know Dalton was okay.

As the hours pass, Dani felt trapped and helpless, forgetting even to call in to work. When the doctor finally arrives though, she stands with Nate, attentive and listening carefully. It hurt just to think about Dalton's wounds and the surgeries he'd needed. And to know now that even after all that, he still wasn't out of the woods... it did nothing to comfort her fears.

Glancing up at Reese, she swallows hard. "I'd... I'd like to see him alone for a minute, if that's okay."

Reese nods, and pats her shoulder, motioning her into the hall. Though he and Nate both wanted to see Dalton, it was only right that Dani be allowed a few moments to herself.

Making her way to the room, Dani wraps her arms around herself, feeling as though she were walking in a foggy dream. Reaching the open door, for several moments, all she can do is stare in at Dalton, her breath catching in her throat. Such a strong, healthy, loving man... to be reduced to this... it was heart wrenching.

Finally having the courage to enter the room, she approaches the bed quietly. Machines beeped and whirred, and it was too sterile to be comfortable. Looking down at Dalton, Dani could feel her walls inside starting to crumble. For such a big man, he looked so small and helpless lying there, fighting for his life.

Reaching down slowly, she sets her hand on his, carefully avoiding disturbing the IV. "Oh, Dalton," she whispers. "We had a date today, remember? You were going to take a long lunch and we were going to go to the lake..."

For the first time since Jason's phone call, tears sting her eyes. "I was going to bring sandwiches... and I even made your favorite cookies for dessert." She gives a little laugh as several tears roll down her cheeks. "I know, they're all your favorite."

Sniffing, she gives his hand a squeeze. "Please don't leave me, okay? I don't know if I ever told you I need you but... I do. Please don't give up. I don't want to be alone." Leaning down, she gives his cheek a soft kiss before retreating. She knew she needed to go.

"I'll be back," she promises. Exiting the room, her eyes find Reese, then Nate. Wrapping her arms around herself again, she turns her gaze to the floor to slowly walk back towards the waiting room. 

Listening to his sister, Eli wasn't surprised. He'd wondered if all of this revolved around Alec, and he wished the man would just leave her alone and be gone for good. At least he wasn't pulling any stunts, but it still made Eli's blood boil. At this point though, he knew better than to get upset - it wasn't Ryan's fault, and she obviously felt stuck in the middle of something. Eli didn't like it. But it wasn't his call, nor could he stop the reality of Ryan's feelings. 

"I wish I knew what to say," he responds, his voice remaining soft. "I hope, for Alec's sake, he really is different." He didn't believe it though. It sounded like a royal ploy to him, to get Ryan back. Alec was a good actor, for sure. 

Studying Ryan for several quiet moments, Eli could see a truth that he hadn't wanted to. He wished Ryan could have forgotten. Could have left all of that behind, never to return. But her eyes reflected her heart, and in her heart, he saw that which he wished he didn't. His tone is still tender as he cocks his head. "You still have feelings for him, don't you?"

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