

As Dani gently gets in the bed next to him Dalton does what he can to hold in the small twinge of pain he felt as the bed moved. He wasn't going to let Dani know it hurt a little bit, no...not when he wanted her in his arms so much. Nothing was going to stop him from having her close to him now.

   "I Love you very much too. I've got to much to live for to give up now. You have my word on that."

Wrapping his arm around Dani a little bit Dalton holds her close to him before leaning down a little bit and giving her a kiss on the head. Leaning his head back again he didn't want to fall asleep but his eyes were heavy and having Dani in his arms provided the peace for the moment he needed.

Wondering the hall and looking down the cubicles Jamie spots Con and gives a little sigh. She guessed he was still here and she felt bad for him. All she could do was support him the best she could but Jamie wished there was so much more.


Jamie comes up to him and lays a hand on his arm. The last few nights she missed him very much. It just seemed to lonely at him without him around. After having him there for so long the quiet even sounded a little fighting to her when laying in there bed. 

   "What are you doing Hun? I've been worried sick about you."

Sitting comfortable with Rosalyn on the bed Chad really was enjoying himself and showing her the pictures he had, had. Since he'd met her the amount of pictures he took had grown in number but that was because he wanted to be able to share this with Rosalyn. If he couldn't actuly take her with him right now that he'd just have to have her live through the picture with him.

   "Mmmm...This was when I was in Cali. This picture turned out so much better than I had hoped. If you would like to keep that one you can."

Tightening his arm around her a little bit Chad really didn't mind if she took any of the pictures. He had the real thing in his mind so if she wanted one of them it was completely ok with him.

Picking up another picture it was on of him in the water with a seal next to him. It almost looked like that were playing together. Giving a laugh and showing Rosalyn Chad can't help but laugh once more before explaining the picture.

   "This is Otter, the seal. He had a broken flipper from a boat that was going to fast in an area they shouldn't have been. He was a playful little thing that liked people. If it wasn't illegal to have a pet seal I would of done it in a heart beat. The local aquarium took him in because he can't swim right anymore to be on his own and he is way to friendly to be out in the open and not get himself into trouble."

 Smiling again and going through more picture Chad continues to explain them to Rosalyn. The smiles faces, the animles, and the picture of the others that worked with him too. He could remember the details of every picture like it had happened yesterday and he was happy to share that with Rosalyn.

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