
Hurt Him

Letting out a sigh Katie really did feel bad for Con and she felt bad for snapping at him. It always had been hard for her to lose people and still now even with her emotion being different she hated it and it hurt on a whole new level.

   "Oh Con...I hate to see you go."

Coming around the cubicle wall Katie looks up at him and wraps her arms around his wast. Buring her head into his chest Katie could feel a few tears escape her eyes. She was more than likely getting Con's shirt wet and she new it but she couldn't help it either. He'd always been her big brother and looked out for her.

   "I'm going to miss you. Who is going to look for me here now? It's always been you Con."

Coming back inside after watching Alec drive away into the sunset, or what it seemed like anyways Ryan was just in time to see Leo get his knuckles. Cringing a little bit Ryan shakes her head before going over to him and leaning on the car he was working on.

   "Hurting yourself is not going to get this car done any faster you know. You ok?"

Ryan gives a smile to Leo before searching his face. There was something on it that she wasn't sure of but it looked like questions, misunderstand or reason. Maybe he's seen her leave for a few seconded with Alec and he wanted to know what was going on? She wasn't sure but for some reason it made her feel a little guilty. And another pang was added to her heart as she remembered a time when Leo and herself had been more than friends. No matter what she always seemed to come back to Alec and now...what about Tal. She really did care about him, and she loved him...now she would she hurt him too?

 Giving a smile to Rosalyn Chad moves himself off the bed before holding his hand out to Rosalyn to help her up as well. She might only be walking to the dinning hall but he felt the need to make sure she got there safly even if it was just across the yard.

   "Come on Hun, I'll walk you there. It would make me feel better knowing that you were safe."

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