

Moving twords the building Dalton has no idea of the danger, or the other assent that had gone unseen. The danger that await was not even thought of till the shot was heard. Ducking his head to was instinct as Dalton turns but a warm dagger hits his chest as everything instantly becomes numb. The last thing he saw before looking up at the sky was the shooter going down as well.

Now on the ground and looking up at the sky things were quickly becomes hazy. There was a warm sensation that pooled around him and yet his body felt numb. Had he been hit? The lack of movement said yes, but there was no pain, it didn't hurt, but it didn't feel normal either.

 Hearing the shot Nate looks to Jason his eyes going slightly large. There was not much time to thing though as the dealers start to scatter they new that they had to act fast and they did so. Ducking flying bullets of there own and returning fire it was haywire and crazy. Breaking away from Jason though Nate comes from behind at least trying to startle them to run outside and the plan worked.


Following behind but not to close Nate has Jason follow them out. He new Dalton was down but first they needed these guys taken care of. Once they are outside more shots ring out and the dealers drop to the ground. Not dead but unable to move from there own positions. 

Looking around and seeing Dalton at the far end Nate's heart races. He'd asked for him to come on this mission even though he had little field work, now he hoped it hadn't been a mistake. Running over to him and seeing all the blood Nate's heart races even faster as he slids down next to him.

   "Hang in there Dalton we are going to get you help stay with me buddy ok?"

Lifting Dalton's head a little bit he places his hand on the wound but dosn't push down in case the bullet was still inside of him. The small stream of blood that ran from his mouth was not a good sign and for the first time in a while Nate was scared.

   "Jason get over here...call 911, or anyone quickly."

Feeling Nate's hands Dalton takes in a rigged breath wincing a little bit. Things were becoming slightly fuzzy and the noises around him were becoming softer. Shifting his eyes a little to see Nate he gives a few coughs.

   "I never saw the other guy come up behind me...I should of ....I should of been more careful. Tell...Dani...I love her."

The night moved on and it was a relaxing one. Ryan was thankful for that, and was happy she got to spend it with two of her favorite people. Walking Tal to the door when it was his time to go Ryan gives him a soft kiss on the lips before seeing him out. 

Coming back into the living room and sits down on the couch and gives a stretch before looking to the side at her brother. Something seemed different with him today and she couldn't help but wonder what it was. 

   "Hey, everything ok? You seemed a little more quiet than normal tonight."

Standing in the kitchen with her husband Rosetta hands BJ his shoes helping him tie them as she listens to Mick. She'd heard bits and peaces all day about what was going on with Rosalyn and Chad but it was just now that she was finally getting the full story.

   "Wow...I would never think Jim would get that upset over this. I mean I can understand where he is coming from but I would think he'd also relize that Rosalyn has a head and would never start anything she couldn't handle."

Finished with BJ shoes Rosetta gives him a pat on the head telling him to head out to the dinning hall and they would be following. Turning back to Mick once he was gone Rosetta could see the look of worry in his eye. This was one of those things that was going to be pretty touchy.

   "So what are we going to do if he dosn't calm down at all? I respect his wishes but Chad is a paying customer and unless he has done something wrong we can't really tell him to leave."

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