

Giving a laugh Katie was about to say something to Hunter when Jason's voice startles her. Recovering quickly and sitting up a little straighter she takes the papers from Jason just watching him for a second. There was a strange look in his eye and Katie couldn't quite make it out, anger, sadness, she wasn't sure.

   "Alright, I'll have these done Gunner before I go. Thanks Jason."

Finally looking away from him Katie puts the papers on the table as both guys go back and forth for a second. She could feel the hairs on her neck rise a little bit. It almost sounded like both of them were battling for her but that was silly...seeing as Jason had Misty...right?

Once Jason was gone Katie let out a long sigh before turning slightly to look at Hunter. Giving a small smile and a nod she liked the idea of a motorcycle ride. To feel free...yes she did like that.

   "Ok, If you want to wait in the break room that would be great. I might be a little longer now that I have some more work but I will try and hurry. I'll take you up on that bike ride too."

Leaning back Katie gives Hunter a kiss again before getting up off his lap so he could move and she could sit down once again. She wouldn't be much longer than what she had originally said.

Looking back at Ariel Trey just studys her for a long moment as she talks. The soft glow from the restront looked so pretty making the reflections as her hair framed her face nicely. She really was very pretty and Trey new it when he'd try to look away and couldn't.

   "Thanks for the confidence Ariel it...really does mean a lot."

Moving back a little as there food comes Trey could feel his stomach growling. He new he was hungry but he had no idea he was this hungry. Everything looked good though and he had good company it was great.

   "You look really pretty tonight. I like when your hair is down it looks so soft."

...Three days later...

Pulling into the ranch drive way the jeeps wheels crackled on the stones. No one would notice the jeep...it had never been seen here before so that wouldn't give anything away. Finding a parking place Chad just sits there for a second a smile spread across his lips. He's said he was going to take some time off and what a better way to do that than come to one of the most peaceful places he'd ever been.

Spotting BJ playing in the lawn Chad looks down at his watch taking note to the time and where Rosalyn probley was right now. Getting out of the jeep and going over to him he squats down giving a smile.

   "Hey there...can you do me a favor? Can you go to the mess hall and give this note to Rosalyn?"

Typed on the paper was the words: Meet me in the Barn. Chad had deiced to type so Rosalyn wouldn't notice it was his writing. Seeing BJ run off twords the mess hall he stands and turns making his way to the barn. With any luck not many people would be there and he'd be able to surprise her.

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