

Getting such a quick response from Katie, Hunter smiles. He was glad that they could keep in touch even though he'd had to stay here longer. Her simple words of affection helped him... ride out the storm. 

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Mmm... I can feel you in my arms
right now. :) 
Angel said I can try a short ride
tomorrow if I behave. Kinda sore
tonight so giving it a good rest. Will
have to see how long it can stand
the pressure tomorrow. Clint keeps
telling me I ought to buy a car after
selling the bike - to him. lol I told 
him no. lol

Jared's ears pick up the sound of the back door but he doesn't move. It might be his mom. It might be Grace. It didn't matter. 

He more sensed than heard someone's soft steps approach and he could feel Grace's presence before he actually saw her out of the corner of his eye. He still remains unmoving, his gaze glued to the yard... or was it beyond the yard to something only he could see? 

Her question finally brings about a small nod. Yes, he did like the feel of the rain. But he wished it could wash away the insides of things like it did the outside. And it couldn't. It just wasn't that simple. 

Only now might one notice that it wasn't just rain that ran down his face. Tears streaming down from his eyes were well-hidden beneath the mask of raindrops. But rain wouldn't create the redness of his eyes or the slight tremble of his lower lip. 

Leaning to the side, slowly, slowly, his head comes to rest on Grace's shoulder. "Why does it have to hurt?" His voice wasn't much more than a whimper. "I can feel the rain on the outside, but... but on the inside it's numb."

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