

Taking her pop and sipping it thoughtfully Katie listens to what happened between Misty and Carson. To a normal person who new that Carson they could believe a story like that but to Katie, something wasn't right and seeing a sad look in his eyes, pain, guilt it was clear he was lying through his teeth, why she didn't know, why he'd give up the woman he loved Katie wasn't sure but he had to have a reason.

Standing some coming behind the counter to lean on the open window she new Carson wouldn't mind. There wasn't anyone else there at the moment and he could trust her anyways. She never dream about stealing or damaging anything of Carson's. 

   "You know what I've noticed? The more you fall in love with your wife, and the more your heart breaks you become a terrible lier."

Continuing to watching Carson Katie takes a sip of pop grabbing an ice cube in her mouth and just sucking on it for a second before crunching down and chewing it up. Cocking her head a little bit to see Carson's face better her own held a slight bit of worry for him.  What was really going on?

   "I won't ask why your doing this because I am sure you have a good answer...just...don't wait to long to trust those who will help you or it will be to late to ever get back the one person you love more than anything, the woman you would give your life for because it might be to late."

Leaning his head on the window as they drove down the road Chad couldn't help but not be his normal self. He's be ok shortly its just right now...he's found a connection with someone, and someone who made him feel good and now...now she was gone. 

   "Looks like someone killed your dog...whats your problem?"

   "Mmm..me? Nothing I'm fine."

    "See now I know your not fine because you didn't have some come back. Whats wrong with you?"

Chad glances to his brother in the back seat before looking to April who was driving and he gives a shake of his head. What He was going to tell Mark he fell in love with a woman he didn't even know. He'd rushed head first into someone, with someone and she was younger than him? No Mark wouldn't understand and he new it.

   "Just sad we had to leave. It was kind of nice there at the ranch. Quiet, peacful, filled with  good company, but a bummer."

  "Well perk up we have a love drive."

   "Yeah, I'll be right as rain in no time."

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