

Giving a laugh Grace was happy to see Jared decided to take his shoes and socks off and at least try to put his feet in the sand. As she gets the little shove to the shoulder she makes it a little more dramatic than it really was going one way and than coming back the other way to bump back into Jared. 

   "I'm going to hold you to that you know."

Grace gives him a smile before looking back out at the water. It was just clear enough that on the horizon you could make out little buildings. They were small dots but you could still see them more than normal and it was strange to think there was this vast space and yet you could make them out but try to get there alone and you'd probley never make it.

   "It's the little things sometimes we take for granted like feeling the sand between our toes. Sometimes we just have to slow down and try things we have before again and this time really try to enjoy it. It's funny how the little things can bring the most joy."

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Ok...lol. I should get back to work too.
I'll talk to ya again soon.

 ....Several days later Chad was back in Nevada and seeing Rosalyn's letter made him smile a little more each time. He was happy they were not writing back and forth and reading he could hear her voice in his head. Hey voice was way to pretty to forget.


  Oh the agony of not being able to sew the buttons back on my shirt. Maybe I should just send you a box with a bunch of them in it to give you something to do? Ok ok I wouldn't do that to you really. I'd just make sure to wair those shirts if I came to see you again.

   So I have some down time now that I am back in Nevada.  No work again right away and while I love my job its nice to just sit at home without anyone around have have some peace. One thing I though of though was I hadn't answered your question about how I get my mail. Sorry about that. Before we leave for our next destination we get emails about where we will be staying and how long. So that gives us time to go to the post office and set up a forwarding address. That way we all can make sure we take care of what we need to while away. You know that whole being responsible thing.

   It does feel in a way like we have known each other for a long time. I just feel so comfortable talking to you, and I feel like I can be so open, really it is nice. It's also nice to know you don't mind about my past. It's a black mark and alone with my tattoos most people like to judge me by it before even knowing me. So it makes me feel really good that to you its not even there.

   What do our letters mean, what do our kiss mean, I'm not sure myself. I'd like to say I want to court you, get to know you even more, and form a relationship but with how my work goes I wouldn't be around much and thats a big restriction to put on a new relationship, and I'd never ask you to wait around for me like that. So for now if you'd like we can continue how we are and see how it goes. All I know is I like you a lot Rosalyn as strange as it sounds I really do. In such a short time, you've become very special to me.

   I really feel like I could keep this letting going, finding new things to write about, to tell you about. About new things I'd like to show you one day, and promises of taking you places with me. But I guess I should end this letter so you can stop reading and continue one with your day.

   I'm looking at the moon right now, and I think I saw your reflection in it. Think I'll sit on the porch a while and just enjoy the warm breeze and continue to think about you.

     Forever and Always,

I gaze up at the sky each night
and find the brightest star.
It's always waiting there for me
so close, but yet so far.
The star winks in the evening sky
and reaches out to me.
It magically appears each night
for all the world to see.
I've wished upon this special star
my whole life through, it seems.
I've closed my eyes and made my wish
of hopes, and plans, and dreams.
And then, one day I got my wish
for I finally met you.
You are that someone special
who's made all my dreams come true.
So now whenever we're apart
I find that same bright star.
It makes me feel so close to you
no matter where you are. 

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