

Alec nods immediately in response to Misty's comment. "Yeah... yeah, I'm not planning on going anywhere, and if Mackenzie likes being here then I'm all for helping out." 

Justin runs a finger around the rim of his glass, recalling the several phone calls he'd had with Ken over the last couple days. "Yes... they were - are - hesitant..."

A pause makes Alec shrink back a little. "Because of me right?" 

"I gotta be honest... yes. Mostly. They're a little concerned about Carson being around, even though I told them he wouldn't be, and..." Justin looks to Alec. "Your brother told Ken quite a bit about you, apparently, so neither him or Jeanette were thrilled to know you were here." 

Alec sighs, but he understands and couldn't blame them. "How'd you convince them it was alright?" 

"I told them from what I saw, you weren't the same man you used to be. That you and Mackenzie seemed to have a connection that she responded to well. And that if Misty allowed you here, then you must be doing something right." 

Alec glances down, suddenly not liking the topic being on him. "Oh. Well... I'm glad they relented."

"Me too." Justin's eyes move back to Misty. "I will be in touch with Ken tomorrow and I'll let him know that you and Alec both would like to have Mackenzie visit. I'm sure he'll be willing to set something up soon. I may have him call you directly so you guys can work it out on your own, if that's okay with you."

Lying on his bed after just showering, Hunter holds up his phone, reading Katie's texts. He grins a little and replies.

To: Katie
From: Hunter

Born for the field huh? Not to live
here at the ranch? Sounds like the
Elite bug bit u pretty fast after u
got back eh?

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Your dad seems to be doing ok.
Looks tired but far as i can tell
not overdoing it. I see him visit 
with Angel a few times - figure 
she's looking out for him good
like usual. ;)

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