
Better days

   "God did not take your father away life did that, but God sure did offer him a great place to live since it did happen."

Grace felt sad that Jared had strayed away from God. She new when stuff happened to people sometimes they did back away and even time she thought about it it did make her a little sadder and she could hope she could help Jared find the path back even if she wasn't going to push to hard. The last thing she wanted to do was drive him away.

Feeling Jared's hand on her face it was warm and soft drawing her attachen to him. Looking deep into his eyes she could see the pain he was in but past that she could see something else too. She wasn't sure what it was in those big deep eyes but she new it seemed to call her in deeper.

   "I do what I can because I care."

Leaning in a little Grace could tell she was but as soon as Jared's hand dropped and he looked away she backed up a little bit hers cheeks taking on a little red color though one might not be able to tell because she was slightly red already from the cold.

Hearing Jared's request Grace stands holding her hand out to him. Helping him up once again she would help him but not so all the work for him. He would get his exercises in but maybe without him even knowing.

   "There is always hope of a better day tomorrow, but now I don't want you to catch a cold so I will help you."

Sitting at her desk and catching up on work that she'd missed yesterday Misty didn't even hear when the phone rung. She had lots of do before she was to go home and it seemed today time was not on her side. Over hearing the urgency in Rick's voice though Misty can't help but pay a little more attachen and listen closer. 

Hearing Carson's name she bristles a little wondering what was going on. She could feel her pulse race a little not knowing what was going on or what was wrong it had something to do with Carson that much she new and Jaz was the one calling.

Once Rick hanfs up the phone she is going to ask more but can't as he leaves. She could feel the worry build inside her. She might hate her soon to be ex husband but never in a million years would she want him to die. All she can do is sit...and wait.

Looking up quickly as Rick comes over Nate was on his feet. He could see the urgency in his eyes, and voice and new better than to resist. Grabbing his jacket, side arm and badge Nate was next to Rick and making there way out of TJY in no time.

   "Whats going on? I'll drive just let me know where we are going."

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