
Angel in the Night

As Jason moves slowly to the bed Misty doesn't resist though she doesn't realize Rick is there either. Her mind was to many other places to even have sensed someone else had entered the room. She couldn't remember a time when she'd been this upset before...if ever.

   "Thank you..Jase...for just being there."

And she was thankful he was there for comfort her. She didn't cry in front of many people and if she had know Rick was in the room she wouldn't have been. Jason though was the one person she would. He's seen so many sides of her already than this was just another one added to the list.

Finally after sitting there for a little while Misty's sobs slow and she pulls her feet up on the bed. Tucking them under her Misty breaks away from Jason a little bit and lays down on the bed. Rolling over on her side she wraps her arms around her giving a sniff.

   "I'm just going to rest for a little bit. Don't let me sleep to long ok?"

As Carson turns around Katie can feel the sting to her heart for Carson. She wasn't surprised that  Misty wouldn't listen for Carson but she still felt very badly for him. She new how she was feeling with the whole Jason thing so for Carson it must be ten times as bad. 

   "Oh Carson, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how it must feel."

 Coming up to Carson Katie lets out a small sigh. Hearing him say over and over again if Misty new the truth everything would be ok she wondered if it really would be. There was so many things to factor into this whole thing it was hard to really know what anyone would do.

   "A letter is always good. Sometimes describing something though words on paper is easier."

Laying a hand on Carson's shoulder Katie gives it a gentil rub stepping along side him. He was a pretty strong person to be able to do this on his own, but at the same time that was a bad thing. Doing it on his own is what got him into this mess even if he thought he was doing the right thing. 

   "If you need help with anything just ask ok? I'll do everything I can to help."

My dear Rosalyn,

   I'm happy you liked the flowers. I wasn't sure if you had a favorite kind, and I was hoping you weren't allergic. Hearing that you liked them, and were not allergic makes me pleased. I really would hate to have you go into an allergy attack and than have everyone out to get me.

   With your last letter I couldn't help but notice some water drops on the paper, and smudged letters. Were you trying to do dishes and write to me at the same time? Really though...are you ok? Not being close it's hard to really know and the only thing let tells me is your words, or making observations on different things. I do hope your well though, and if not I'd be there in a heart beat.

   Ah...I will never stop than till I win your heart completely. Even after that I will not stop, I will always show you how much you mean to me and how much I enjoy being around you. It's important to never let that spark die, to always keep it burning and to never falter on reminding the one you love just how special they are. And you my deep Rosalyn are very special and never let anyone tell you anything else.

   Work has been rough the last few days. Some days are good and filled with many things in witch one has conquered, and other days we are not to lucky. This week has been filled with unlucky days and its never easy losing something you are trying to save or protect. Mark tells me "You win some, you lose some." I know he is trying to make me feel better but it still hurts just the same. After this job ends I think I am going to take some time off. Just regroup, recover, and gather my senses. 

   Well, now it is my turn to end the latter that I could continue to write. But I have to get back to the job and continue to do my best. If the end of this letter has been sad, I am sorry, I did not mean to leave on that kind of not. Just sometimes even I need to just vent. I hope you did not mind. Till the next letter, tonight I know the moon awaits me.

   Forever and Always,

You're my angel in the night 
You're everything i think of
everything i dream of.
Yours is the voice i hear when
The moon steals the day.  

Yours is the voice
I hear when the sun sneaks
in to warm me.
When my heart aches with lifes pains,
you are my angel.

I never expected someone like you.
Someone kind and loving as you.
You snuck into my life like a true
angel in the night.
Loving you is the only thing that
brought me this far.

Because your my angel in the night.

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