
What to Expect

Accepting and returning Misty's kiss, Jason grins. "He does give good kisses...but he's saving those for his lady friends." 

Giving her lips another quick kiss, he finally retreats, slipping his arm around her shoulders and just sitting with her on the step. City sounds fill the night air, and it makes him think, for a moment, about the peace and quiet of the Texas ranch. He always had a hard time adjusting to the quiet, then again to the noise when returning. 

Thoughts of the ranch just bring his mind back to another topic though, which, in turn, presents a sigh. 

"Reese called me today," he mentions. "Said Katie's coming back to work on Monday." His fingers absentmindedly rub Misty's shoulder. "Kinda feel funny about it, ya know? Don't really know what to expect."

"You've got to tell him sometime, Dylan!" 

"Not now!" Dylan yanks Sparky's hand toward him to stuff the bills into his palm. "Just... just put it in the safe like you said you would." 

Sparky give half a growl as he tucks the money in his pocket. "I didn't say I'd help so you could keep on skirting around the truth."

"I know." Dylan's tone had calmed. Folding his arms, he sighs and looks around the darkened ranch yard, frustrated. 

Neither were usually up at this hour, but Dylan had stayed up late doing homework and Sparky had needed to do some checking on a couple expecting mares. Meeting up with his nephew hadn't been a surprise though, after they'd been to another auction this morning... 

"...and I'll be, he bought that horse, turned right around, gave it a good grooming and an hour later he'd sold it for a hundred dollar profit." Sparky shook his head. "At the same time, he told me to buy this other bay gelding. I figured he was crazy, but gave him a chance. Sure enough, he did the same thing. Bought it, cleaned him up, turned around and sold him all over again, this time for a two hundred dollar profit." 

Mick's eyebrows were raised as he heard about Dylan's activities at the horse auction that day. His son had never wanted to go with him... but he'd gone with Sparky and apparently had a pretty good time. It was surprising and kind of disappointing at the same time. "What's he gonna do with his money?" 

"Don't know. He said he was gonna save it. At any rate, he wants to go again with me sometime. Figure I ought to let him."

"Well with those odds, why not?" 

...That had been the first time. There had been several more auctions after that, and each time, Dylan had done the same thing. It was only the second time though, when he'd admitted to Sparky just what he wanted the money used for. 

"You know your dad is gonna find out one way or the other." 

Dylan shrugs. "Probably. But I might as well put off him yelling at me a while longer, if I can make it right." 

"Replacing that money doesn't make it right. Telling the truth does." 

Dylan shoots Sparky a glare. "Just a little while longer... please." 

Another sigh is exhaled before Sparky nods. "Alright. Okay. Just..." He sets a hand on Dylan's shoulder. "Promise me you'll tell him."

"I will. Soon."

"Okay." Sparky lets his hand drop before turning to leave. "Goodnight, Dylan."

"Yeah, goodnight." Standing alone in the dark for several more minutes, Dylan finally heads for his bunkhouse. Reaching it though, instead of going inside, he eases down on the porch. Stretching his legs out across the top step, he lifts his eyes to the stars that dotted the black sky. Would life ever get easier? 

Letting his curtain fall shut, Hunter hobbles back to his bed before lying down and wincing as he props up his leg. Seeing Dylan out there reminded him all too much of himself. Then again... tonight had been the night for a lot of thinking anyway. He did wonder, though, how a guy like Dylan could not have a good relationship with a father like Mick. 

Closing his eyes, Hunter yawns and tries to fall asleep. Though succeeding, his dreams would be flooded with memories. 

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