

Being pulled over to the sunny spot Chuck didn't mind at all. Just letting Susanne directed him for now on what she wanted, how fast she wanted things. Once she was more comfortable and less shy he wouldn't mind taking control again like a man should in a relationship. It was just at the moment he understood he needed to sit back and chill a little.

As Susanne sits and positions herself between Chuck's legs he just smiles and lets her get comfortable. Letting her place his hands where she wanted them and letting her lay how she wanted too. It was all to comfortable having her that close to him and it give Chuck chills but it also meant she was opening up a little more and no words would be said about it. Leaning his head aganst hers Chuck gives it a small kiss.

   "Sounds pretty lonely to me, even if you convinced yourself you liked it that way. I think anyone was crazy though to not realize you were there. Every time something cool happens at the shop I turn to tell you and remember your at work, or home. Than I have to wait till I see you again and by than my old brain has forgotten what I was so excited about in the first place. Or it could simply be your pure butey that takes my breath away so all words are forgotten."

Tightening his arms around Susanne a little more to let her feel his warmth Chuck lets out a small sigh, it was small but a happy one. In a way He felt bad that Susanne had spent her young life like that but now...now he could make up for it. She deserved so much more, Chuck only hoped that being a music love, motorcycle rider would be enough for her. He wasn't rich but he had everything he needed to live comfortably.

   "Thank you, for making me so happy Susanne."

As Katie cleans she keeps up some small talk with Hunter but moving to the kitchen talking was a little less. Pouring some floor cleaner into the sink and than running the water Katie watches as bubbles form. Continuing to watch them Katie's mind takes her back...back to the time where She and J had to clean the break room. It ended in a bubble fight breaking out and ended with there vow to always love eachother.

Coming back to Katie realizes the sink was almost full and shuts the water off. A single tear had found its way down her cheek and Katie was happy Hunter was in the other room. How could of love have gone so wrong? Was it really the broken connection that messed everything up, had Jason really cheated on her or was Katie looking for an out from something she didn't understand. 

Since coming here it really was not something she had though about much but one thing she had was the face that maybe Jason was telling the truth and he wasn't cheating on her. Maybe she had blown the whole thing out to be more than it was and she didn't even give him a chance to explain. That one thought alone made her sick and hurt. 

Snaking her head Katie didn't want to think about it right now. She wanted to continue having a good time, even though she new come tonight the thought might come again and she wouldn't be able to push it away herself.

   "So...Hunter, I'm almost done here...is that tree still calling our name?"

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