
Quiet Conversation

Standing up again as Mick enters the room Katie gives a nod she was happy she didn't miss out and hadn't held them up to long from eating. She would of hated if they had been waiting for her and she hadn't been here right away.

   "Alright let me go wash my hands quickly before I sit down."

Once her hands were washed and sitting down Hunter was on one side of her, and BJ was on the other. She was comfortable here at this table and for a moment Katie wondered how long ago she had not been. It was strange to think about that time now and how differently things had changed but she has happy they had. Missing out on family this this would really have sucked.

As the conversation changed and Hunter becomes a little more in depth in the questions she just listens. She new Hunter new very little about something but she also new Mick would not be upset by his questions not anymore anyways. They were innocent questions and held nothing to them other than wonder. So while they talked Katie quietly talked with BJ about dinner.

   "Since when did you start eating more huh?"

   "Since I started growing again...duh."

Giving a laugh Katie ruffles the boys hair again before sitting up once more. Looking to Hunter and seeing the look on his face Katie gives a soft smile and a little nod that it was ok. Reaching under the table and taking his hand in her own Katie gives it a little squeeze reassuring Hunter it would be ok and he'd dont nothing wrong.

Hearing Mick's question BJ stops looking at Katie and looks twords Mick instead giving a big smile. He liked talking about school, in fact he liked school all together. Learning new stuff was fun, and trying to understand the stuff he had a hard time with was even better.

   "It was good. We learned about fractions today and also talked about Albert...Ein...Einshin...Einstern...."

Giving a huff BJ stops talking for a second to think about what he was saying. Looking over the table at Rosetta she smiled at him and gave a little nod. She new he was having a problem with the last name but she also new giving a little time he could figure it out too. Patents is what it took with BJ sometimes a little extra.

   "Albert Einstein....yeah thats him. We talked about him and all the great stuff he did. It was pretty cool."

Leaning over to Hunter Katie gives another smile before placing a small kiss on his cheek while everyone was focusing on BJ at the moment.

   "You're completely find so you don't have to feel to bad."

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