
Not Possibly

Hunter does as he's told and leans back into Katie, trying to focus on her instead of his leg. The ride back was nothing like he'd ever experienced. He'd been hurt before. He'd had broken bones before. But nothing compared to riding with his knee the way it was. By the time they arrive back at the ranch, Hunter knew he must have passed out more than once, as there were gaps in his memory of the ride. He'd grown numb with the pain though, his face pale and his whole body aching.

Hearing Katie call to him, Eric is quick to come, surprised they were back so early, then worried when hearing about Hunter. Wasting no time, he helps get Hunter down off the horse then into Angel's. 

Watching them head in that direction, Jeff sighs deeply, wiping his brow with his sleeve. He was utterly exhausted, but he wouldn't complain - not when Hunter was in far worse shape. Dismounting, he takes all three horses to the barn, walking slowly. Getting inside, he squints in the dim interior before spotting Rosetta. "Hey, Sis... help a weary cowboy put these brutes away?" He gives her a little grin, but he knew she'd be able to tell right off the bat that he'd overdone it today. At least this time he had a good reason.

Back at Angel's, Eric doesn't question her, although helping her wasn't an easy task - not when he knew how much pain Hunter must be in. 

Lying on his back, Hunter bites down on the piece of plastic, his fingers clutching the bed. Being held down by Eric's strong arms, he didn't have much of a choice not to move, and it's a good thing. As Angel puts his knee back into place, Hunter screams - thankful for something to bite down on, rather than his own tongue. Once it was done though, he relaxes again, just closing his eyes and trying to ignore it all. 

Eric straightens up and runs a hand over his face, glad that was over. He'd help in any situation where he was needed, but he'd be the first to admit that this sort of thing bothered him. 

Being looked after, Hunter doesn't resist Angel's pokes and prods, nor her cleaning up his other minor wounds - he hadn't realized until now that he had cuts and bruises on his arms, most likely from his tumble on the way to the water. Remaining quiet, he tries to relax, glad for some pain killers and the news that he'd be okay. For as much as it hurt, he was thankful it wasn't something worse. He'd have to deal with how he was going to stay off his leg while still staying here, but he'd worry about that later.

Angel's words though make him shake his head a little. Though groggy and completely worn out, he did know one thing. "Not possibly... I would have died." If Katie had not been there, he would have drowned, and there was no doubt in his mind.

His eyes start to drift shut but he forces them open again, despite knowing he could rest here as long as he wanted before going to his bunkhouse. "Can I see Katie?" he asks quietly.

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