
Night Princess

Stepping aside and just watching Rosalyn he wasn't sure if she wanted help or her comments made him wonder did she want him near, should he back off he had no idea because she never really said back away. In a way though he had a feeling if he really was bother her she would not hesitate to say something.

   "Please call me Chad. Mr. Mason is my dad and I am definitely not him."

Continuing to watch her put the sheets on the bed and having them fall in all the right places it wasn't till all of them were gone from his arms that he realized he still had no shirt on. Feeling a bit silly, and like he hadn't been a very good gentlemen Chad moves quickly to the desk chair that had his button up shit on it and throws it on. Leaving it un buttoned still at least it was something coving him a little bit. No wonder Rosalyn had been so red...it now made sence.

   "More than likely it would have taken us twice as long if not three times. I never have been so good at making my bed. How ever..."

Coming over to the bed and taking the one sheet by the corner he looks to Rosalyn and gives a grin.

   "...I could always just mess it up again."

Ripping the sheet off the best Chad was quick as he takes Rosalyn by the hand and twirls her a little under the falling sheet bringing her closer to him, and it almost seemed like time had stopped once again. His words strong but soft.

   "How you travel across the nights sky and pass me by. How I dream to grow a pair of Valiant wings to reach you night princess. Oh how I dream to fly..."

Moving a little to the left and taking the sheet again to let it fly up in the air again twirling Rosalyn away form him a little and around to switch places almost as if dancing but letting himself lead.

   "...To take on the world by storm, beside you, where you can see me. How I wish this wasnt just a dream. To talk for an eternity and travel the galaxy far..."

Moving again and pulling Rosalyn close to him so the sheet can just fall where ever Chad's eyes sparkled, and danced as he gazed into her eyes looking deep into the pools.

   "...To have a scene under the radiant stars. Just one moment to be where you are. Oh night princess how you seem so far. You shall forever be in my heart."

Letting his words fall silent for a second and Chad himself didn't even know what had gotten into him but it was a warm feeling, an awaking feeling, Rosalyn a woman he didn't even know did in fact take him by storm and made him feel alive. His breath was heavy, but his smile held anyways as Rosalyn was still close.

   "But I'm not like every other guy you've known."

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