

Raising her face once more, Susanne looks up to find Chuck's eyes. Her own still glistened, still overcome with emotions... like she often was around him. She just didn't understand what he saw in her. She knew one day she'd just have to accept it and stop asking why, but it wasn't easy. 

"I don't think I could tell you I don't want to see you again... I'm just not even sure that's possible." 

Finally letting him go, she moves to stand beside him, her hand sliding down to find his. Looking out across the lake, she breathes deeply the fresh air. It felt good to get out and away from the office. Though getting better about saying "no" to staying late, there were still many an evening she turned Chuck down on a date because of work. This evening though, he'd insisted and she was glad that he had. She really did owe him a lot. He was so very  kind to her, and from her perspective, he gave her far more than she gave him. It didn't seem fair he was always working so hard to win her affections when she was still so hesitant. 

Sighing, she leans her head against his shoulder. "When you take me home... do you want to stay for some apple pie?" It was rare she let him inside at all, and even rarer that she ask him to stay for anything. She did feel incredibly shy asking him, but... if she didn't start working at this, one day he might really get tired of waiting around. Nice or not, he was still human and Susanne didn't want to lose him. 

"Eh... just because I'm moody sometimes doesn't mean I've got a problem." Hunter taps Katie's foot under the table. He knew now she must have felt the sharpness in his tone earlier and he really was sorry. He just hadn't wanted to discuss what he'd been feeling. 

"I know I can talk to you whenever I want," he assures. "And I appreciate that. Just... sometimes there's stuff I really don't wanna talk about 'til I've sorted through it, and I don't do so well with being pressured." He gives Katie a little smile, trying to convey that just because he might not talk about something, it didn't mean anything was wrong or that it had anything to do with her. He was glad she was there and willing to talk to him - it was nice knowing he had her friendship to fall back on. But he didn't like being pushed either. He knew she hadn't meant to this morning, but that's what it had felt like, especially when he hadn't yet said anything to her about his troubled thoughts. 

"But I don't always know when I'm being cranky, so you have my permission to tell me if I am." He steals another fry. "Nicely," he clarifies. "No smacking me upside the head unless I'm really being a jerk, okay?"

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