
Never Again

Not even flinching at his words Grace holds herself high but not with a cocky air only one that said she would not back off that easy. Jared's words seemed to hurt more than she thought they would but she wouldn't back down not yet. Coming a little closer to Jared she still holds the smile on her face. 

   "Even if your mom had called I more than likely would of come anyways. I am pretty stubborn when it comes to being turned away with no reason as to why. What happened between when I talked to you on the phone and now?"

Cocking her head a little bit she just studys Jared for a long moment with his cold hard stair. This man sitting in front of her now was completely different than the one she talked to over the phone just a few days ago. There was no hope, no friendship, no part it was just a look comforted by the cold.

   "You're legs are starting to get better Jared. If you stop now than you might never walk again. If you never want to see me again thats fine, but lets at first get you to walking again so you can go where ever you want."

Still laying on Hunter Katie hears his words and can't help the smile that spreads even bigger on her lips. His words they touched her heart and made her feel special again. There were emotions there that were new, and they felt nice. In a way Katie felt like Hunter understood her, and when she talked to him her words didn't get jumbled in the mess. Though she still had a hard time expressing herself sometimes it seemed that they had gotten down the communication and were able to work through those moments. 

No more words were said but Katie gentile ran her fingers up and down Hunter's arm as her eyes closed just letting the soft rythem of his breathing lull her. Soon though the soft rubbing soft as Katie's own breathing becomes a little bit softer and being so comfortable with Hunter just puts her into a soft sleep.

Giving a big smile and just wrapping his arms around Susanne Chuck gives a small laugh. Chuck felt young with Susanne much younger than he was. In a way it almost reminded him of high school again and finding out the person you had a crush on had a crush on you the whole time too. It was a good feeling, it was a fun feeling and Chuck couldn't think of anyone else to share it with.

Hearing Susanne's comment about the apple pie and the long way home Chuck gives a small nod. Getting his footing and still holding Susanne he stands up cradling her in his arms. Letting his eyes twinkle even more as he looked down at her He couldn't help the the emotions he let out in his eyes while he looked back into her own.

   "The long way sounds great to me. That means I just get your arms around me for longer."

Letting Susanne slip to the ground Chuck's hand fingers hers as they walk back along the pier. It seemed like the walk went all to quick though. Getting to the bike and undoing the helmets Chuck hands Susanne's her before putting his own half way on and turning a little to make sure she got on ok as well. 

   "Alright, ready to roll out?"

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