
Mirror Fling

Listing to everything that was going on between Mackenzie and Alec she is just silent letting them go back and forth. Carson was an idiot but said nothing about it. Only showing anger twords him would do no good, not at this point with Mackenzie, Misty would rather stay off the topic of Carson all together but having his daughter here would make that hard. 

   "I am sure if you had asked your parents if you could come see me they would have let you. As far as I know I've done nothing wrong for them not to let you. And your dad well...thats a whole different story but its for your own good they keep you from him right now."

Misty does feel bad for Mackenzie, and she wasn't sure what she could tell her. She'd no kids of her own yet so had no idea what the young girl was going through or how much she was hurting. All Misty could do was try to encourage her and help.

   "When we are young I guess it's hard to know why our parents do what they do. Sometimes we don't  see there reason, or understand but I bet once you look back you'll think that was pretty smart of them. I do know though running away isn't going to help them trust you, or making them think your responsible to make your own depositions because right now your not."

Leaning back in her chair Misty looks to Alec before giving a small nod and a smile. She was happy he called. She didn't know what good she would do but at least she was trying and she was safe.

Hearing the name of her councler Misty stops and gives a small grin. So she was seeing Justin. If she had to pick someone herself she didn't know anyone better than him. He was a good guy and good at his job.

   "I know Justin, he's a good guy. Helps a few good friends of mine, and an easy guy to talk to. You don't like him?"

After escaping his brother's twenty questions about why he seemed to be smiling more than normal, and why he was in a better mood Chad finds himself alone leaning against one of the fences. He hadn't seen Rosalyn much today but that didn't mean his mind didn't wonder to her. He couldn't help it as his mind went to the night before and there kiss, than again to this morning and helping out in the kitchen. It had felt nice and he's really enjoyed being with her.

Catching movement out of the corner of his eye another smile spreads as he see it was Rosalyn. He wasn't sure where she was going but she was alone and maybe if he followed her and she stayed alone they could just get a little more time together.

Slowly following and being quiet Chad stops as she stops by a tree. Leaning against it and just watching her he can't help the smile that stayed on his face. Giving it enough time to ensure she was here alone he finally pushes off the tree and draws closer.

   "I figured if I just continued to follow you and someone saw me they might think I was stalking, but than again maybe I was."

Placing his one hand over Rosalyn's head on the tree and leaning in Chad's eyes were still twinkling like they had been this morning. Around her he just couldn't help himself his feelings, emotions they really were hard to contain. Just looking deep into her eyes he searches for many different things. The biggest one was once he left would Rosalyn forget about him?

   "It's pretty nice here...I like the view."

Bringing his free hand to the side of Rosalyn's face Chad lets his finger just run over her cheek for a moment before his hand slips behind her head and he leans in closer letting his lips press against hers. Not letting it linger to long he pulls away and little before smiling and returning just brushing her lips lightly with his own in a teasing manor before retreating a little again and than coming back pressing his lips to hers firmly this time letting his emotions go. His heart picking up it's beat pounding so loud in his chest once more. 

Still kissing her Chad he takes his hand from behind Rosalyn's head and searches for her hand while not breaking the kiss. Finding it his fingers play with hers for a moment before he brings her hand up to his chest where his shirt was slightly unbuttoned just enough that her hand could slip inside the shirt. Pressing her hand against his heart just letting it stay there. The act alone spoke so many unspoken words. She made his heart beat, race, that was no mirror fling that did that. Returning his hand to the back of her head with what little free space he had he lets his fingers run thought her soft hair before just resting on the back of her head deeping the kiss but providing comfort for her head so it wasn't against the the rough surface of the tree.


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