

Jeff supposed April was right. He was glad somebody would be around to look out for Katie. Would Hunter be the one to take care of her too? Only time would tell. What he was confident of was that no, he knew he wouldn't be replaced in Katie's heart. They'd always had a special relationship, and he knew that would never change. 

The rest of the meal is relatively quiet, though Jeff enters some more smalltalk, interacting with the others at the table too. Studying April just a little more a time or two, he didn't really get a chance to know her better by the time the meal is over. He was the first to leave the table, having eaten only half of his meager meal, but he was ready, all too soon, to call it a night. So bidding farewell to the new acquaintances and giving Katie a kiss on the cheek, he takes his leave. 

Feeling Chad's eyes lingering on her didn't help Rosalyn as she tried to decrease the heat in her face. Pouring Mark's water, she gives him a grin. "Don't worry. I've experienced worse. It's probably all this fresh air just getting to his head. It happens sometimes, though usually to those who simply have very little control over themselves." She purposely avoids looking at Chad, letting her teasing grin do all the communicating it needed to. 

Quietly finishing up with the water, she goes back to the kitchen before returning to her seat to finish her meal. Though there was no further interaction, every once in a while, she found her eyes sneaking another glance at the other table. 

The evening went by quickly, and as soon as Rosalyn was finished eating, she was in the kitchen washing dishes as usual. She heard talk of a card game, but it seemed there weren't enough players tonight, and by the time she finished with the dishes, the dining hall was almost empty,  except for a few stragglers. Only after she got home would she find her work wasn't quite over yet for the day...

Stepping up on the bunkhouse porch, she shifts the clean towels and sheets in her arms. She'd already been to Mark's bunk, and April and Tina's too. Chad's was last, and for some reason, she could already feel the heat creeping up the back of her neck. She'd almost asked Jade to help her and given her this bunk, but she told herself she was just being silly. 

Clearing her throat, she knocks on the door and waits for Chad to answer. Looking up at him, she smiles, trying to ignore the fact that now the heat had gone from her neck to her face. "Sorry to bother you," she apologizes. "We only realized just now that some of the bunks needed fresh linens." 

She holds up the sheets and towels. "You can figure it all our yourself, or I can come in and put everything away if you like." It was business as usual... that's all. Surely he was done with his little flirting games by now anyway.

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