

Walking with Hunter back to his bunk Katie takes it slow not wanting to rush it even if Hunter was tired. She wanted to spend as much time with him while she can. Getting to the porch and leaning in for a kiss Katie gives a smile. At least they would have a few days left together . Giving a laugh at Hunter's comment Katie gives a nod. 

    "Mmm...I guess you will have too. Maybe thought, just maybe the time will fly by and before we know it you can be joining me in Nevada again. At least thats what I hope."

Leaning in again and giving Hunter a kiss Katie new for now it was good night. She'd see Hunter again bright and early in the morning and they could have another fun filled day of doing something to keep them busy.

   "Have a good night Hunter."

Turning Katie heads down the small walkway before hitting the grass. She wasn't very tired yet herself so a path to the mess hall is where she went. Maybe there were still some night owls awake and a game of cards could be started or anything else for that matter. At least it would be something to do till she was tired.

Sitting on the front pouch it was a nice night out. Not to late that it would be strange to sit outside but late enough that it was cool and enjoyable. Leaning back on the railing Misty puts a hand on her stomach. She'd been able to start feeling the baby move more and more. It put a smile on her face and made this whole thing that much more real but at the same time it made her slightly sad too. She was determined to stay happy though. She really did have lots going for her. She was going to be a mother, she had Jason, and Alec was starting to look better each day.

Taking out her phone Misty gives  a little smile as she opens a text to Jason.

   I have a spot on the porch for you, and kicking baby with your name on it.

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