
Kick Butt

Working like normal the day before still was in Ryan's mind but it wasn't thought of as much. When Alec wasn't around she was able to push the thoughts from her head it seemed just when he was around it was a lot harder. Now though it was tucked away and the good deed went unknown for now. She'd done something nice, and it was one less thing to make Alec come back.

   "Hey Mile's your slacking....come on now man..."

Ryan's words trail off as she looks up at the delivery man. It was an odd scene to think about. No one ever delivered anything here unless it was some car parts. Hearing they were looking for her Ryan's eyes widen just a little bit before she finally notices what he was holding. Flowers? Her friend thought was Tal and she thought it was super sweet.

Taking the flowers and looking down at the little card Ryan's smile faded slightly. Her heart beat in her chest very loudly though. Had Alec really send her flowers? He'd never done that before, this was something completely new and it took her off guard.


Turning Ryan could feel her cheeks go slightly red. She felt valnarable, and embarrassed in front of the other guys. Letting her eyes lock with Axel's for a second Ryan wondered if he new what she was thinking while the others were having fun with the whole thing and making there comments.

Not saying anything else and looking away Ryan goes to her table and grabs an empty jar. Pouring some of her bottled water into it Ryan sticks the flowers. She might as well enjoy them now that she had them. There was no point in throwing something this pretty away. 

Turning around and still hearing all the guys Ryan sets her hands on her hips looking at each of them. Quirking and eyebrow she shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

   "Yeah, and I can still kick you butts any day so if you know whats good for you get back to work."

Hearing Mick's invitation Katie gives a big smile. She liked spending time with her Uncle, Aunt, and cousin. It was a special time and it was always very enjoyable and peaceful. To turn that opportunity down would be rather silly, specially when she would be leaving again soon.

   "Yeah, thats sounds great to me. Only thing I have going for me today is spending time with Hunter and giving Reese a call about going back to work."

Katie had talked to Hunter about heading back to Nevada a little bit the other day. She wanted to continue there relationship and hoped it would work out while he was still recovering here. Though they hadn't talked about it much she hoped maybe soon they could.

   "Is there anything you want us to bring? Salad, a dessert? "

Looking to Hunter and taking his hand Katie gives it a little squeeze as she smiles. This was a confirmation to her that her family really did like Hunter and she was happy. She didn't know much about his family but she could only guess it wasn't good. And if that was so she was happy her family accepted him.

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