
Just another customer

Alec was glad that Ryan wasn't being offish. Not that he expected her to, but... maybe he'd been a little worried about that. Besides, she could probably just as easily pass on this job to one of the guys, right? So... her offering to look at the bike herself was... a good thing?

Ryan's prompt to "make himself comfortable" brings another little smirk to his lips as he drops his gaze again, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah..." He bites his tongue from the comment that was dying to be let loose, and he clears his throat, choking down the nervous laugh. 

"Yeah, I'll bring her around and wait." Slowly raising his eyes again, they meet Ryan's with an intense stare. Had she really missed him? "I've got all the time in the world..." 

Turning quickly, he goes back outside. Guiding his bike to the open bay, he does as instructed, careful not to get in anybody else's way. He could feel the eyes on him and knew that he was not welcome here. As a customer yes, but not as a friend. 

Wiping some more sweat from his brow, it's only now that he realizes he must look a sight after pushing his bike this whole way. Oh well. Tucking his hands in his pockets, he trudges back to the waiting area. He remembered a time when he'd hang around inside the garage and chat or sit on the work bench while Ryan worked, just to tease her or simply watch her work. Today though... today he was just another customer.

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