
I'll miss you

Chad was happy to spend that little extra time with Rosalyn chatting, laughing a little more and exchanging silent looks that only they new about. As as the dinning room became more and more crowded Chad made himself fade a little bit in the background till he finally faded away with his other friends not wanting to giving any hits that anything was going on with him and Rosalyn, but one that that wasn't removed was a smile that was no spread on his face. Maybe a little later Chad could find her somewhere alone and they could spend a little more time together. Tomorrow was coming all to soon.

Looking back to Jeff Katie gives a smile though in her eyes there was a bit of sadness. She really didn't want to live. She loved it here, she loved her family, and she loved her father so very much. No one ever new how hard it was for her to be away from him, not even Jason. That was one emotion she'd never let though.

   "Yeah, I'm packed but I don't know about ready to go. I'm really going to miss it here, I'm really going to miss you."

Katie new her life back in Nevada was waiting and she had to get back to it. Things would work out and everything would be ok once she got back but the feeling of being home sick was still there and Katie hated it. The first time she'd left the ranch what seemed like forever ago she had been angry, with Jason, she'd now returned angry at him again but she was leaving with that anger now gone. So now it hurt just a little more there was no pain to drive her.

   "Would you like to talk a walk a little later just the two of us? I could use some father daughter time before I leave."

Picking up her phone Misty was a bit surprised to hear it was Alec. Why he wasn't calling on her cell...oh thats right she'd left it in the car on mistake this morning. Well that made sense now but still it was a not odd.

  "Hey Alec, whats up?"

Hearing his voice she did not like the way he sounded. It put her on edge enough to stand up and already grab her things. It wasn't like Alec to have a little bit of panic in his voice and it made Misty's head race. 

   "Ohh boy....Just tell me everyone is ok and I am on my way home now."

Once getting off the phone with Alec she loves over to where Rick sat. Giving him a not and putting a few things away quickly she talks as she is heading for the door.

   "Rick I'll be back in a little bit. That was Alec and something is going on at home."

Closing the door behind her Misty wastes no time getting in her car and heading home. It didn't take as long as normal but she'd pushed the speed limit a little bit herself. She just wanted to get home and know what was going on for sure and make sure no one really was hurt.

Getting out of the car and heading inside Misty looks around wondering where Alec was. Everything seemed to quit for her liking.


Putting her stuff down on the hallway stands Misty looks into the living room seeing nothing she makes her way into the kitchen. Entering and seeing Alec she looks at him with question before looking at the table and not being able to help her surprise.

   "Mackenzie....What are you doing here? Are you ok Hun?"

Misty looks to Alec again before moving to the table and sitting down next to the young girl. Laying a hand on her shoulder Misty could tell something was wrong even though she didn't know what.

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