
Do you

Continuing to ride and hearing her dad's approval Katie was happy about that. She wasn't sure what the future would hold or how long her and Hunter would be together. It could be forever, or only a few years. The only thing Katie did know was that she was happy now and would take one day at a time.

   "Thanks Dad. Hunter knows if he ever hurt me there would be quiet a few people who'd beat him to a pulp."

Riding on Katie falls quiet again but glances at her dad once and a while. Seeing the sad look in his eye she new what he was thinking about. She'd seen that look before and had been able to connect it with the thoughts of her mother. How it must hurt for him, the pain she felt was a pain of not knowing, she never new her mother so she didn't know what to miss. But his pain was from lose, because he new what he was missing.

   "Do you think about her a lot?"

Listing to Lydia Grace continues to smile and at some parts her lips give a little frown too. Some things were sad to talk about and some where happy. But through it all Grace could see the love in Lydia's eyes and how much of a big soul this woman had no matter what she went through. God certainly had his hand in her life.

   "I think you right. God did have this whole thing maped out long before we even new what was going to happen."

Taking the last sip of her coffee and setting the cup down Grace sits back and lets out a long sigh. Talking with Lydia had really felt good and almost like a weight had been lifted. Grace never really opened up to many people but today Lydia had been a  good choose.

   "Thanks for coming for coffee today. I enjoyed it and we should definitely do it again."

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