
Blindingly Attractive

Unable to hide her smile, Rosalyn nods to Chad and forces herself to step inside, even though her knees were suddenly feeling very weak. What was wrong with her?! As she enters his bunkhouse, her eyes scan the room, finding it surprisingly tidy. He was nice, good-looking and clean. Quite the rare combination.

Hearing his question, she turns to him quickly and replies without thinking. "Oh heavens, shut the door. If my family saw me in here, I'd never hear the end of it." She blushes a little, her mouth turning into a wry grin. It was true though, and she knew it. No matter who he was, if she was seen spending time in a male guest's bunkhouse alone with him, there would be razzing at the very least, a good talking-to at the most. She didn't want to have to deal with either.

Trying to keep her mind off that morning and their near-kiss, she spies his shirt and picks it up before sitting down on the edge of his bed. Only now does she notice the music playing, and she finds it appealing.... calming, in a way. She was fine. This was fine. She wasn't doing anything wrong. Just because she was here alone with a blindingly attractive man didn't mean any motives were off kilter or that anything bad would happen at all. Why she felt sheepish and even guilty though, she wished she knew. Or maybe she did.

Rolling her eyes at herself, she shoves all that aside for now. She couldn't help it that she'd been thinking about Chad all day long. It was just the way it was, and now she was here to sew on a button - it was that simple. At least she wasn't in an apron or had flour all over her face this time.

Picking at the threads, she pulls a small pair of scissors out of her back pocket and snips the button off to start over. "This will only take a couple minutes." She keeps her eyes down on her task, tucking a pesky strand of hair behind her ear. "My dad's shirts are always doing the same thing. Mom's constantly resewing his buttons. Sometimes I think he yanks them off on purpose just to give her a bad time."

Early Sunday morning. That probably meant three or four in the morning if she was actually planning on getting home to a full night's sleep. Hunter would see her off though. He wouldn't care how early it was.

Turning his head to study her eyes, he smiles warmly. "Yeah... yeah, time really has gone too fast." In a way, it felt like he'd just gotten here. And in another way, it felt as though he'd been here for ages. But one thing was certain - he was going to miss Katie during the few weeks until he could make it home.

Leaning down, he gives her lips a long, tender kiss. Pulling back a little, his quiet smile returns. "Thanks... for asking me to come. I, um... I've kinda realized I got a lot of things to sort out and... if I hadn't come... well, maybe I'd still be drunk in a bar somewhere."

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