
Be ok

Grace gives a nod to Lydia and s soft smile too. She new how much she must be worried about Jared and she didn't blame her. In a way Grace was worried too but she tried to gave faith Jared would pull through this and that God would wrap his arms around Jared.

   "He remembers his past and who he use to be. He think he can't change, and he doesn't deserve anyone love or friendship because of the bad things he's done."

Searching Lydia's worried face she didn't know Jared's past but she didn't ask for any explanation either. If it really had been as bad she he said she wouldn't hold it against him but she didn't want to know till he told her.

   "What he needs right now it someone to love him no matter what. Continue to bring him food even if he doesn't want it. If you leave it for him he'll get hungry enough to eat."

Laying her hand on Lydia's arm again Grace felt bad for this woman in front of her about as much as she felt bad for Jared. This was hard on everyone and to see someone you loved so much being torched it was no fun at all. The hardest part would be looking past Jared's words and continuing to help and love him. 

   "Things will work out..we just have to keep trusting God and praying. You haven't seen the last of be either...I'll be back...ok?"

Feeling Hunter's hand rub her skin followed by his words Katie's eyes flutter a little bit. She hadn't been exhausted but she'd been so comfortable that sleep was hard not to find. Letting a small smile form on her lips but her eyes closed Katie replys.

   "If I don't will prince charming kiss me?"

Finally opening her eyes and lifting her head slightly to look at Hunter Katie gives a smile leaning her chin on her hand that was now under her. Just letting her eyes twinkle in the sun light Katie felt refreshed after the little nap and good.

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