

Working in the barn for at least an hour Katie stops for a second and stands stretching her back out. At the moment she was working alone letting Hunter sleep this morning. If he wasn't out here already she figured he might just might be getting a goodnight sleep and that was something he needed. Once it got a little later if he wasn't here she'd go check. 

Taking a moment to wondered outside the barn and take in a breath of air movement on the driveway catches her attachen. Seeing it was Hunter Katie just stands there for a long moment watching him. She'd wonder what he was doing, or where he was going but the bag on his bike explained it all. He looked going like he had coming. So now...he was leaving again?

Katie didn't want to believe it. She wanted to think he was just going out to do something and would be back, maybe he needed air and some time to himself but in the pit of her stomach, with what she saw with her eyes Katie new.  She new in her heart he'd leave and never come back.

Turning around quickly and heading back inside Katie spots Dylan and walks over to him. She new he had his own work to do but she hoped he wouldn't mind to much helping her out as well. Either way she would be leaving she just would feel better not leaving this place a mess.

   "Hey Dylan, I have something that came up, can you do me a favor and just clean out this last stall for me. It would mean a lot and thanks."

Setting the pitch fork down Katie heads out of the barn again and takes off her gloves. Putting them in her back pocket she heads to her bunk to grab her keys. Stopping by Hunter's bunk she just wanted to confirm to herself that he really had left. Seeing the note and the little bit of money Katie just leaves it for now before leaving and than sprinting to her car.

Getting in she wastes no time before peeling out of the drive way and turning the same way she had seen Hunter go. She didn't know where he was going but she could guess maybe back to Nevada, He was only ten or fifteen minutes ahead of her she could catch up if she hurried.

Speeding down the road Katie new she was going fast but she wanted to catch up to Hunter, it was important to her, and she needed to talk to him. She had a question and she wouldn't let it go unasked. There were not many people out at this time anyways so she new for the most part she was safe.

Coming up to the intersection Katie saw a figure on the road. Slowing down a little bit she could make out a bike and Hunter. He was stopped, he must have been for a while but why. It was strange and she didn't quite understand but she would soon.

Pulling over to the side of the road Katie shuts her car off and gets out. Coming over twords Hunter a little bit she jingles her keys in her hand as she looks up at him squinting in the sun.

   "Not even going to say goodbye huh? Kind of sucks when you think about it. Why Hunter...why?"

Once again Katie emotions ran high though she tried to controle them. Seeing Hunter in front of her now it was hard to fight the feelings she felt. She felt hurt, betrayed, and stabbed in the back. To have come so far, to get so close, and to do what most people wouldn't only to have him walk away now.

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