

   "I guess I'll wait here so if you fall down I can go get help."

Giving a laugh Katie leans back on Hunter's bed. Keeping her feet danging over the edge though so her dirty shoes didn't get onto the covers Katie puts her arms behind her head. Just looking up at the ceiling for a long moment before her eyes fell shut. 

Opening they again she told herself she couldn't fall asleep. There was lunch still and going to pick up her dad than more chores how could she think of sleep? Her eyes slowly drifting shut again Katie trys to reason with herself. It was only till Hunter was out of the shower than they could go. She didn't know why she felt so tired all of a sudden but his bed just seemed...comfortable.

 Giving a laugh at Jason's comment Misty can't help but shake her head again. She thought his comment was rather funny and the fact that it got him so flustered was even better. There was just something about his cheeks going crimson that made it all worth wild.

   "Alright I'll see you again in a little bit."

Returning the kiss Misty gives a small smile and watches as Jason leans. As Rick enters mumbling to himself Misty's eyes go wide for a second as she looks quickly down at her paper work. Everyone was going to know about her and Jason, but maybe not pushing it to fast would be a good thing.

...As the minutes tick by Misty does her best to pay attachen to what she is doing but she couldn't help her mind wondering. She was hungry, she wanted to see Jason again she felt like a high schooler. Finally hearing her phone buzz and than hearing Jason's voice Misty laughs before looking up at Rick and giving a silly grin.

   "Alright I'll be right there but it best be more than just soup in the office."

Standing and making sure everything was together nice on her desk Misty moves around to the other side before stopping and looking to Rick. Giving a smile and a nod she figured she should at least let him know she was leaving.

   "Just heading out for lunch if you need me I'll be in Jason's office. Don't wait up to late ok?"

Giving another laugh Misty takes her leave. Making her way across the floor and to Jason's office she gives a knock on the door before entering. Stepping inside and taking a deep breath the smell of the food made her that much more hungry.

   "Man oh Man does this smell good or what. Thanks so much Jase."

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