
Ride now

Looking back at Jared and his comment Grace just searches his face for a few long moments. What made him different? She really wasn't sure herself but she as sure it was something. It was a feeling she got, like she was meant to be here, she was meant to be more than just a  therapist to him. She could feel the tug, and she new it was God's doing. How was she to explain that though when there really was no solid explanation.

   "When I figure it out myself, you will be the first to know."

Giving a crooked smile to Jared and a wink Grace stands gathering the empty bowls and than walking them over to the garbage. Coming back over and looking down at Jared she smile was just a little bit bigger. Maybe his question sparked a little more thought than she'd expected but she was being honest with him.

   "How about we go for that ride now?"

Taking a sip of the coffee it felt good going down. She didn't often drink coffee but when she did it always tasted good to her. Hearing Justin's comment about cooking something Beth thinks for a second if she was hungry or not. She didn't feel like she was this morning but maybe she should eat anyways.

   "Do you have any fruit? I'm not really that hungry just something light would be nice."

Just letting the silence linger for a long few moments Katie waits for Hunter to say more. She new everything was not alright even if Hunter pasted a smile on his face she would still know but she hated seeming noise too so she didn't want to put in where she didn't belong.

Finally as he spoke Katie gives a small nod before sitting down on the bottom step and looking up at Hunter. She felt bad he'd been having a hard time sleeping and she hoped it wasn't due to the hard time her family was giving him since they were only joking around. Something told her though that was not it. It ran deeper, longer, and sure a lot more.

   "Want to talk about it? I've noticed the last few nights its been the same in the morning. Maybe if you talk to someone it will make you feel better?" 

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