
Oh no Mr.

Misty's cheeks turn a slight shade of red at Jason's comment though she didn't feel awkward. Maybe it was because she had known Jason for so long and though they never acted on it there was always an unspoken attraction there that now was aloud to come out.

Though Misty's heart still ached at the loss of her Husband she refused to let it get her down to the point of not functioning even if she did miss Carson. Jason was doing a good job though of filling that gap she felt. He helped her feel like she was ok, and it was Carson's loss not her own. Even if Jason didn't know it he made her feel a lot of things and reminded there was nothing wrong with her Carson was the one who had a problem.

   "Yeah I have to say this is the closest I have found to the real food they have in Greece. Some places say its Greek but as soon as you bit into it you know its not. This is great though."

Finishing up her meal and ordering a helping of Baklava Misty insisted Jason taste it too. This Greek dessert was one that she loved the most and there was no way he was going to get away without trying it. 

Looking across the table at Jason as she eat she listened to the movies. She wasn't sure what sounded good and what didn't. At this point she had such a nice time if she picked something crappy she didn't know if it really would rune the night or not. Just being with Jason was nice enough.

   "Oh no Mr. I picked where we went to eat...and the movie I said we could pick together. You're not going to get out of it that easy."

Placing the last bit of her dessert into her mouth Misty slides out of the booth and comes over to Jason's side sliding in next to him. Turning the phone around and looking down at it and thinks for a moment before looking up.
   "I don't know about you but I am not really in the mood for a love story flick. Does the super hero one have good reviews?"

Giving a another laugh and shaking his head Dalton does his best to maneuver around Dani and the table not falling himself. Holding his hand out to Dani Dalton helps her up with ease and lets her sit down on the couch. Lifting her foot he looks at it. A nice black and blue mark had formed already with a little bit of swelling but it didn't look broken.

   "I think...its going to be sore for a little bit but you will survive My Lady."

Reaching out and pushing a peace of hair behind Dani's ear Dalton gives a smile. He hadn't meant to laugh at Dani's pain but he was laughing with her, not at her. The whole ordeal had just been silly.

   "So now on a serous note...are you going to be ok?"

   "How could I not think happy thoughts at the moment?!"

Katie's comment had no need to be answered as they took off again. It pretty much spoke for itself on what she mean and she new that Hunter would know as well. He was smarter than most people though.

Leaning into Hunter it was like second nature that Katie just moved like he did on the bike. Making sure to stay low to him, lean when he did and yet still enjoy everything around them as it wized by. The warmth and cool mixed together was so refreshing, and it took the edge off the heat. It was perfect.

   "Running out of gas on a day like this could be a bad thing that I would like to avoid."

Knowing they really did have to get back Katie looks left and than looks right getting her bearing where they were. It didn't take long before Katie taped Hunter's leg a little bit.

   "Go left here, straight for about four miles, take a right and go straight. The ranch will be on the right hand side."

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