

Hunter's eyes remain on Jeff for several more moments before he looks down at his plate. There was an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach all of a sudden, and he finds himself playing with his green beans. Seeing Katie interact with her father was... different. She really did love and respect him, and it was more than obvious that Jeff loved his daughter dearly. What must it be like? To have a relationship like that? To feel that loved by a parent? To know that they wouldn't let you down?

Clearing his throat, he takes a bite of his supper and nods. "Yeah... when you told me how good the food was here, I figured you were exaggerating. Guess I was wrong." 

He grins and nudges Katie with her elbow. "So... I'm thinking if I can stay awake a while then I'll be more likely to sleep some more tonight. So if that crazy cousin of yours wants to play UNO again, I'm in."

And he was. Staying up with a small group to play cards was fun, and Hunter finds himself in stitches half the time - mostly from Clint's antics or teasing Katie. By the time everyone dispersed for bed, Hunter was quite tired - enough so that he really did hope he'd get some more good sleep. And after a tender kiss goodnight to Katie, he promised he'd see her in the morning...

...Stifling a yawn, Hunter ambles into the barn. It was early morning and chores were underway. He knew that he, Jeff and Katie would be heading out as soon as possible if they were going to make any kind of distance today. 

Bidding good morning to a few of the guys, he finally spots Katie already starting to tack up her horse in the aisle. Coming up behind her, he slips his arms around her waist and gives her neck a kiss. "Good morning, Buttercup." 

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