
More than a day

Looking at Hunter now Katie was becoming slightly irritated. She was tired, woken up from a dead sleep and anyone that new her new that was never a good idea. On top of that Katie new Hunter was not sober and that always made him that much more difficultly. Folding her arms across her chest she looks to Hunter taking a step forward.

   "Your not fine, your far from it, and coming into town in the first place was a wast of time and gas money so its already to late to use that line."

Standing a little straighter and dropping her hands to her side Katie jingles her keys in her had for a second being on guard. She was Hunter's friend but she was also and officer for the Elite, there were rules, and morals she had to follow. Letting someone go for something because they were a friend could put her own job in jeopardy not to mention the last thing she wanted was for anything to happen to Hunter because he was being pig headed.

   "Hunter, your going to leave your bike here for the time being and ride back to the ranch with me or we can turn around and go right back into that police station and spend some more time there till you can ride your bike in the morning. Your choose but something tells me if we go back in there your going to be books for more than just a night or two."

Katie does her best to keep her voice calm but firm. She wouldn't let on how agitated or irritated at this point she was. With Hunter being less than sober it wouldn't do any good anyways so there was no point.

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