
Missed Movie

As Dani comes back once again with another kiss Dalton can't help but feel the warmth on his skin to get even hotter. The was her hands felt, the way she fit in his arms, the softness of her kiss that still held such a powerful touch to it...it all was just perfect.

Starting to feel Dani's soft kisses to his jaw, than ear, than neck Dalton can't help the murmur of satisfaction that escaped his lips as he felt a chill run down his spine too. The feelings that rushed of him, happiness, contentment, love and a pure joy for a woman who love him as much as he loved her. It was a dream Dalton once had to be in love that he thought would never come true till he met Dani.

   "Mmmmm...this...this is the...kind of...thinking...I like and could....do all day."

Returning himself for a few more kiss Dalton's hand continues to rub Dani's back before he finally pulls away and gives her a big smile. A trickle of sweat running down his face. Tightening his arms around her a little bit to bring her into a hug Dalton leans his head against hers taking a whif of her shampoo and closing his eyes slightly.

   "I think we missed most of the movie...not that I am complaining."

Letting his fingers find her hair Dalton gently combs through it as he holds her close. Dalton loved the exciting moments, but he liked the soft moments too. Just knowing he was in charge of keeping this woman safe, that she trusted him to keep her safe. Dalton had thought it many times before but he couldn't help just thinking again how lucky he was. 

Misty can't help but laugh at Jason's comment smiling. Signing off on a peace of paper work Misty pits it in her outbox before closing another folder and putting it into the file box behind her. Standing and coming over to Jason she puts her hands on her hip and taps her foot.

   "Rick already would kill me if he found out I like you eat s'mores last night, I think maybe a small tub of popcorn and a good meal might make up for it."

Honesly Misty had no idea where she wanted to eat. She'd been having some odd cravings because of the baby and everything sounded good to her. She had promised to pick a place though as long as Jason helped her pick the movie.

   "How about we eat at that Greek restront that just opened up a few months back. Athens I think that name is. Haven't had some good Greek food in a long while."

   "Oh yeah? And if I did fall into the garbage can would you have laughed at me or help him? Hmmmm?" 

Sitting down Katie nudges Hunter's foot with her own.  She was happy they had come. Seeing Jeff smile a few times while here really was worth it in the long run. They say laughter is the best medicine and if she was good at making people laugh.

   "So I was thinking...maybe after you come home if your feeling up to it maybe the three of us could take a nice leisure ride into the mountains. It's one of the best hideaways and I think it would be fun. What do you guys think?"

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