
Many things

Taking Hunter's hand and standing Katie brushed the bits of grass and bark off her clothing. Giving a smile to Hunter before locking finger with his Katie falls in rythem with his walking not finding it hard to keep up.

Hearing his question Katie is silent for a moment. If she could have anything right now, what would she pick? Katie never really though of that question before and the answer was tricky. At one point in time she had been so sure of things an where life was going but now...now she didn't know.

   "One thing...I don't know if there is only one thing. Direction, Absolution, to meet my mom, to never have the good times like now end."

Looking to Hunter and giving a smile Katie squeezes his hand a little. She did enjoy spending time with him and it was nice to enjoy the little things with him. Katie did wonder if it would last. Were there really things in this life that lasted forever?

   "How about you?"

The night really had flown by and Misty wasn't sure she really wanted it to end. Would there be a tomorrow? Would there be more chapters in this story? Something told her yes but still there was this fear that if she let go of Jason now...this might be it. Why she felt like that she wasn't sure.

   "I had a really great time too. Thank you Jase."

Leaning over to him Misty gives him a soft kiss on the lips before withdrawing. It was much different from her normal kiss but maybe in the simple kiss there was so much more. Letting her eyes twinkle Misty turns and opens the car door before stopping and looking back to Jason again.

   "See you at work tomorrow?"

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