

Sipping her coffee again Katie just lets the silence linger for a little while longer. With nothing much that could be said Katie really didn't have anything to say at all. She couldn't act like everything was ok either not now, not yet. She wouldn't be mad forever but Hunter just had to give her time to get over it.

Finishing her coffee off and letting the waitress know she was done Katie gives her a small smile before looking back to Hunter. Thinking about his question she wasn't sure the answer. If he drove in front he might speed if she drove in front she wouldn't know if anything would happen. It was just one big question game.

   "You can follow me I guess."

Sliding out of the booth Katie lays a little money down on the table for a tip before leaving the coffee shop. Making sure Hunter was with her they start the slow walk back to her car and Hunter's bike. Getting back there Katie doesn't say much before getting in her car and waiting to see Hunter and taking off.

Rolling down her window a little bit for the cool air, and hurting her music up it would be how Katie would not keep herself awake. Once back at the ranch she would have her work to throw herself into and that would drive her on. By mid afternoon though a nap might be calling her.

Looking over at Jared and giving a large smile she nods. She was happy that she had made Jared feel good. He deserved it no matter how is past was marked and scared...she was a firm believer in there here and now and he'd yet to show her how much of a horrible guy he was.

   "Not a problem at all. I better get you home now though before your mom thinks I kidnapped you."

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