

Smiling, Hunter doesn't refuse Katie a hug, and holds her tight for a moment, kissing her forehead. "Mm... yeah, I do feel better. Feel like I could sleep another eight hours though - maybe I'll actually be able to catch up on that tonight." He hoped that he could at least make it through tonight. Just one night so he could have a good day tomorrow. 

Leaving one arm slung over her shoulders, with his free hand, he snitches a green bean from her plate. "Of course I'll go riding with you guys - I'd love to. Even if I don't get any sleep tonight, I should be good enough tomorrow to at least stay in the saddle."

"I hope so." Jeff ambles up to their table and sets a plate of food down in front of Hunter. 

Hunter looks up in surprise, then smiles gratefully. "Thanks." 

"You're welcome." Pulling out a chair across from them, Jeff eases down to sit. "Not interrupting, am I?" 

"Naw." Hunter shakes his head before taking a bite of meatloaf. 

"Okay, good. Looks like Katie's already asked you about tomorrow... I wasn't sure if you'd be up to it though. I know you haven't been feeling well." 

Not feeling well? Hunter could see as plain as day that look in Jeff's eye - Katie's dad knew all about his bender and arrest. Disapproval lay in his gaze... but so did something else... mercy and grace. He was still willing to have Hunter along on their ride. He probably knew about Hunter's sleeplessness too, but that was being kept quiet as well. And Hunter felt... too humbled to be upset. His eyes drop though as he toys with his fork. "Yeah, I um... Angel helped me out in the sleep department today, so... I think I'll feel up to a ride... if you really don't mind me along." 

"Not a bit." Jeff winks at Katie. "Besides, I have a feeling my daughter is going to smile more if you come." 

Hunter grins and gives Katie a sidelong glance. Apparently they were becoming more obvious.

Jeff chuckles and stands up again. "Well, I'm gonna go finish my own food. See you two later." 

Watching Jeff walk away, Hunter leans back in his seat. "Your dad's a nice guy," he comments quietly to Katie. 

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