
Already have

Being at the hospital Beth didn't like it but having Justin next to her made everything go quickly. Trying to remember everything that happened Beth wasn't much help as she tried to block it out but she tried all she could. Her head was hurting, she just wanted to go home and was all to happy when the time came.

Sitting in the truck and holding Justin's hand Beth was quiet. Her head leaning back against the seat and her eyes closed. Her head pounded and her body ached. She was thankful though that Justin was staying with her. At the moment she didn't want to spend the time alone.

Getting to the house and going inside Beth sets her purse down at the table. Watching Justin go over to the couch she just eyes him for a moment before following and sinking down next to him. Moving on the couch a little she repositions herself so she can lay her head in Justin's lap and hold his hand at the same time. She had so many emotions going on inside her right now it was really hard to land on one.

   "Why tonight? Why there? We were having such a good time too. I'm...I'm sorry I picked that place Justin."

Seeing the splinter on Hunter's hands Katie can't help but cringe a little bit. She new all to well how that felt and how sore his hands would be in the morning. Repairing fences was a must but it was dangerous work as well. Hearing that he enjoyed it though Katie was happy and it made her smile.

Dinner came and went all to quickly and Katie new Hunter had, had a long day and she couldn't keep him up any longer. She would see him tomorrow and that was important to her. He needed to be rested for work and whatever else would be thrown there way.

   "Have a good night Hunter. I'll see you tomorrow for sure."

Returning the hug and squeeze of the hand Katie smiles up at Hunter. She would stay here and play cards for a little bit but than she would be hitting the bed herself.

Listing to her brother and feeling Mick's squeeze on her hand Rosetta looks to him and smiles before looking back to Jay. He was bearing everything right here, right now and he was leaving nothing unturned. Justin continuing to listen Rosetta could feel some tears rising in her eyes. She'd missed her brother, the only part of the clan that wasn't with them and nieces she never new to know he was going to try and come around more it made her so happy.

   "Jay, I think I can speak for us all when we say no sorry is needed. We forgave you along time ago and simply put now missed having you and your family around."

Standing and going over to her brother Rosetta gives a smile before extending her arms and warping them around him. She could see the change in him, she could see God's light and for that she was proud. For many other reasons as well her was proud of her brother. And he was home, he was finally home and would be here more. It was a dream come true.

   "Welcome home Jay, we missed you!"

Working with Jared Grace goes slow knowing that this was a painful process and as painful as it was it was a good thing too. Pain meant Jared's nerves were still working like they should be they just had to wake his legs up. 

Continuing as seeing the pain all over his face along with the looks that could kill she ignores them. His fists slamming down on the rests of the chair don't even make her jump. She'd seen worse and thats what she would always remember. This...this was only the start and if she couldn't hack this she might as well go now.

   "Kick me, and I might have to use a little reverse force on you."

Grace's own eyes give a little sparkle though her voice was stern almost as a warning that maybe she could use it if she had too. Her cheeks flush a little bit as his comment about her being pretty though she makes no comment about it.

   "Alright, now we do the other leg, than we ice them, doing it again, heat, ice, and than we can relax a little. Sound ok to you?"  

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