
15+10= Enough time?

Grabbing her and Hunter both a plate and some food Katie joins Hunter sliding the plat to him. Looking down at the food Katie couldn't help but lick her lips. Everything looked so good she hadn't realized just how hungry she was till now. Hearing his comment though Katie stops looking up at him. Her eyes go slightly wide. Did he really think she was in on it?

   "I...I can honestly say I did not. This is the first time I have even seen them act like this myself. Maybe they have been bored?"

Katie looks past Hunter for a second at her Uncles before back to Hunter. Shaking her head a little she still couldn't believe they had all been in on this with Hunter. Why she wasn't sure but she was glad though that Hunter was a good sport.

Dipping her grilled cheese into her soup and than taking a bit Katie just continues to study Hunter for a moment as a smile spreads across her lips. She could search his eyes all day because they were held with so much emotion. It was like each look had a new story. 

Finally looking away though Katie takes a little sip of her soup before putting the spoon down. She new maybe she didn't have to say sorry to Hunter, but something make her want to anyways. Just to make sure.

   "Sorry they put you through that. Thanks for taking it in good stride though."

Misty nods taking the last sip of water from her bottle. She new her Uncle wouldn't be mad or at least she thought he wouldn't be but she didn't know if he would be happy either. The last thing she wanted to do was have either of them working more while there relationship was starting to finally grow.

   "Knowing my Uncle it wont take him long to figure it out once he see us together, but I think you right he should figure it out himself. Last thing we need to do is work more than we are already right?"

Giving a little grin and shaking her head a little Misty gives a chuckle. She couldn't believe how natural this really felt. It was almost normal and it didn't frighten her only intrigue her to move forward.

   "Ha, and you think my place is clean. How about I leave fifteen minutes after you leave, go to the store, pick up some snacks and pop that will take another ten minutes....and than head to you place?"

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