

Hunter wastes no time in following Katie to her car and sliding in behind the wheel. Seeing the light, he quirks an eyebrow, not having even thought about that. Sometimes he forgot Katie was an Elite agent. 

"Right." He nods, knowing that safety came first, but also knowing he had no problem getting up to speed to get them to the hospital in good time. 

Waiting no longer, he starts the motor and pulls down the driveway, buckling himself in as they went. Turning onto the road, he can just see the ambulance in the distance, that had gotten a head start on them. 

Gunning it, Hunter pushes Katie's car, keeping a keen eye on the speedometer. It was a far cry from his racing car, but it had a lot of zip, and after taking a few corners faster than an average driver, they'd caught up to the ambulance to remain behind it the rest of the way into town...

Mick nods to Rosetta, not once even thinking about denying her the request. He loved Jeff too, but Rosetta was his sister - it was only right that she went. "Of course. I'll call Jay and I'll make sure everybody around here knows what's going on too."

Pulling her in for a quick hug, he kisses her cheek. "Be careful. Let us know what's happening."

Eric is quick to step back up to Rosetta. "I'm going too. We can-"

"I'll drive."

Eric's gaze swings around. He hadn't even known Trent was there, and was even more startled by the firm offer. Trent rarely said anything, let alone with authority. "You sure? I can-"

"Yes." Trent nods, already having his keys pulled from his pocket. He looks to Rosetta with an almost pleading look to let him. He was probably the quietest member of the ranch but it was his brother too who was in trouble and if the other siblings were going, so was he. "We can take my truck." Without giving time for anyone to argue, he turns and heads to the garage.

Within minutes, they were on their way also, although much farther behind the ambulance than Hunter and Katie...

Once reaching the hospital, Hunter drops Katie off at the entrance then goes to park before coming inside and finding her near the ER. As typically expected, they weren't given much information about anything and could only sit around and wait.

In the nice waiting room, Hunter sits next to Katie on the small couch, more worried about her than Jeff. This was the last thing she needed. Slipping his arm around her shoulders, he gives her a little squeeze. "It's gonna be okay," he comforts softly. "From what you've told me, your dad's a fighter, eh?" 

Arriving at the hospital, Eric and Trent follow Rosetta inside, inquiring about Jeff and only knowing that he was in the ER and nobody could see him yet. Though frustrated, the brothers don't argue and simply head to the waiting room.

Glancing inside and seeing Katie and Hunter, Eric pauses in the doorway, throwing Rosetta a quick look. Should they interrupt or just let Katie be? He wasn't sure.

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