

Hope's smile grows as she gives a nod. She could see some of the worry in Scott's eyes but she new he'd be ok and it would work out. Weather he was able to work long or not just trying was a good thing.

   "I have faith in you Scott, and no matter what take steps forward is a good thing. I'm proud of you."

And she was. Every step ward was a step. Even if Scott found out work was not yet something he was ready for it was still a step forward and she would still be proud that he had tried. He deserved to have this little ray of Hope.

   "Oh, and my number is the same so you can just call me on the cell. Do you still have it or do ya need it again?"


Misty thinks for a long moment as she stands along with Carson. Who did she want to know? Everyone...no one? Sooner or later she would have to tell people and everyone would end up knowing. So maybe it was better to let them all know now and not wait. 

   "Alright, I'm not sure if I will feel up to going into work tomorrow or not. I guess it really depends on how much sleep I get. Might be in a few hours later."

Walking with Jason to the door again Misty was thankful for his thoughtfulness and just his kindness. No matter what, no matter what he was going through he was still always there and she new he would continue to be as long as she needed him. And that was what Misty was thankful for the most, Jason's continues friendship.

   "See you sometime tomorrow?"

Sitting in the loan chair by the small card table Sapphire can't take the smile off her face. It was so great to see Gage so excited, and happy. He'd come a long way and was doing a great job keeping his head above water. Sapphire was happy to help where she could for him too without making him think he couldn't do it on his own. 

   "Wow, thats really great Gage, I am so happy for you."

Looking down at Gage and pushing her foot against his  Sapphire gives a laugh. Hearing him mention the car and license she nods a little. She new that was something he had wanted for a little while and she had been helping him when she could. He wasn't doing that bad either.

   "All in due time...till than I don't mind driving it makes me feel useful."

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