

Still in the same spot by the window with the cat nestled in her lap Katie hadn't even heard the door to the dinning all open. Her thoughts seemed to be lost darting from on thing to the next. It was hard to quiet her mind right now as she was feeling a whole lot of things she didn't understand, or even know how to identify.

Hearing Trent's voice Katie gives a jump as the cat on her lap gives a new and jumps down. Standing seeing her Uncle Katie gives a smile. Letting her heart return to her chest she shakes her head a little embarrassed that she had been startled. Giving a little wave she can feel a little color on her cheeks.

   "Hey Uncle Trent. I got in late last night. The only ones who saw me were Mick and Rosetta. I had to make sure my old bunk was still open."

Falling silent again for a moment it had been so long since Katie had been back here she wasn't even sure what to talk about. She'd changed without really changing but this emotion she could define it was awkwardness.

   "If you want to sit with me you can. How have you been?"

Dalton couldn't help but be slightly excited that Scott was willing to test his work. He'd missed this, the challenge of having someone else break his code. It was the only way to really know how well it would hold up. The Agency had some of the best so why not use the best to try and crack it.

   "Alright, its a simple code but underneath its something far more complicated. I put it into layers, the first on easy and than from there on out...no so much."

Reaching into one of the other drawers Dalton pulls out a disk and hands it to Scott. There were no marking on it so if anyone was to see it, they would just think it was a blank disk. But Dalton new what was on it and thats what really mattered. 

   "If it works, and can add a little more security I want to put it on all the computers so the files and data are fully covered. I am sure there as some tweaks that still could be made, and extra stuff that can be added. But its a start...no a rough draft but not the finished project either."

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