

Rosetta new her brother was looking for some kinds of excuse as to why he couldn't come out. He'd never been the master at them and being able to tell was easy as cake. Sometimes she just wished he'd come out and say it instead of making things up. They were all getting hold and Rosetta new it, in the mornings she could feel it and at night now too. One day they would be gone, and it made her sad to think it might come to soon without having the family together or ever meeting her other nieces and nephews.

  "Yeah, Yeah I will...take it easy Jay."

Hanging up the phone and sinking down in her desk chair Rosetta glances at the clock. Everyone would be gathering for dinner and she would join them soon. But there was a pain inside her heart, and a feeling in her stomach as a tear slipped from he eye. So much time had gone, so much had been missed, life had taken its turns, and paved the path for them. And it hurt to know her brother was so far away yet so close. 

Looking at the pictures on her desk for a second Rosetta lets out a long sigh. The smiling faces she was met with, the eyes that twinkled and told story's of happy times. Every moment made was to be made as the best but some days just seemed harder than others as time just seemed to fly by and hours only seemed like minutes.

Standing and wiping her eyes Rosetta new dwelling was not good and it really did nothing. She had to face life head on and take the moments as they came. Life would not wait for anyone so the what ifs had to be put behind her and she had to focus on the here and now. God had give her a lot and she should be thankful for that...not wishing things were different.

   "Alright good..."

Giving a little laugh Katie was a bit excited to introduce her friend to Jeff. She'd talked to him about Hunter and how he had been there for her when she really didn't have anyone else. How he had filled her time with laughter and just company while Jason was off with his friends doing whatever.

Leading Hunter to the mess hall and entering Katie scans the area before leaning back to Hunter a little bit. Pointing out a few of the different people, who they were and what they did around the ranch. At least for now he'd have names to go with the faces and she would do something more formal a little later. Seeing her dad at one of the far tables Katie smiles before heading that way.

   "Hey Dad, I'd like you to meet someone. This is Hunter. He's the guy I was telling you about when I first got here. He deiced to come visit and even stay for a little while. Hunter this is Jeff my dad."

Taking a bite of her pizza Misty just sits back and watches Jason and Alec interact. She was intrusted in how they would and so far they seemed to be getting along ok. There conversation was light and she found the topic Jason picked intrusting.

As Jason offers his help with the bike Misty smiles setting her pizza down and reaching for her pop. Taking a swig Misty thought it was pretty nice to Jason to offer. To her it looked like he was trying and that was important to her. Alec needed more people who were at least trying to forgive and help him. He needed to gain his confadance back and see he didn't need to be arrogant to have friends.

   "I think thats a great idea. I could go with you guys too encase there is anything else from your apartment you need."

Picking up her chicken wing and pulling some of the meat off of it Misty falls quiet again as the silence lingers. It was a little awkward but nothing to bad. Her stomach growled for more food and she couldn't help but laugh wondering if it was her own stomach or the baby that wanted more.

As Jason's topic changes and Misty gets the little gab with his elbow she looks to him and shakes her head giving a laugh and playfully kicking him under the table. Taking another bite of her food she lets the silence linger a moment longer while she chews before replying.

   "Sure thats sounds like it might be nice. Getting out of the office for lunch is always an extra treat rather than eating the same old same old."

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