

"Mmmm... I don't know." Gage doesn't let go of Sapphire just yet. "Sometimes pushing the limits is worth the fallout." 

Rolling over to reverse their positions, he grins down at her, propping his elbows on either side of her. "But I'll let you go if you promise me dinner tomorrow night." 

Leaning down, he gives her another long kiss. "And a movie..." He kisses her again. "Here." Pausing, he thinks for a moment. "Wait. I don't have a DVD player." A teasing glint reenters his eyes. "I guess we'll just have to have some more of this." After one more kiss, he finally sighs and sits up, releasing Sapphire from the floor. "Unless we go to your place," he reasons. "Then we could do the movie thing."

Sitting behind his desk, Reese was speechless. All he can do for several moments is just stare at Misty. One second he was elated at the news she was pregnant, and the next, he was dumbfounded and horrified to hear about Carson leaving her. Seriously? Carson had left her for another woman? After all this time? After being married? After all the promises and the life change ,and everything? And when Misty was going to have his baby? 

Anger burned deep within him, but he keeps it at bay... for now. For Misty's sake. He wasn't upset with her in the least, and just looking at her so small and weary and broken, there was no way he could express his anger in front of her. No... no, she needed compassion right now - that was more than obvious. 

Getting up and moving around to sit beside Misty. "I am... so sorry to hear that Carson did that to you. I never would have imagined it, to be quite honest." Even after all Carson had done before, Reese had truly believed he'd changed. Obviously Carson was still a good liar. 

Slipping his arm around Misty's shoulder, Reese gives her a little hug, then smiles. "But congratulations about the baby. I couldn't be prouder of you." That much was true. He didn't get to spend a lot of time with his niece, and maybe he kept his feelings to himself too much but... when it came right down to it, she really was the daughter he'd never had. 

"Anything you need... anything at all... you just ask, okay? I mean it. I obviously don't know any details about what's going to happen now with you and Carson but no matter what, I'm here, okay?" 

Instead of heading home to change clothes as planned, Dani aims straight for TJY. Dalton would just have to take her in her work clothes that smelled like the kitchen. The more distance she put between her and Mom and Pop's, the more her anger grew. Her brother... Carson Banks... had just proven what a jerk he really was. All this time she'd thought he'd really got his life together... really wanted a good life with Misty. But no. No, he had to flush it all down the toilet, and for what? Another woman? Who was to say this Jaz woman would hold his interest any longer? She got what she deserved, for sure. A while down the road, she'd be the one left with nothing and Carson will have moved on to the next new thing.

By the time Dani parked in the TJY parking lot, she was livid. Slamming her car door, she stalked inside, ignoring everybody who tried to greet her. Making a beeline for Dalton's office, she doesn't even knock. Bursting inside, her glare permeated the air. "Of all the stupid, low down, dirty, rotten...!"

She shuts the office door behind her with a bang, throwing her purse in the corner. She doesn't even notice Scott's wide-eyed figure behind the other monitor. She only saw Dalton, and he was the sounding board she chose.

"Can you believe it?! I mean really?!" She throws up her hands in disgust. "Carson... my own dear brother! How could I have believed him? How could any of us have been so stupid as to think that he was really sincere about his life?! All he really does is throw it away!"

Pacing the office, she doesn't even give time for any response, barely even taking a breath. "And for what? For what?!" Approaching Dalton's desk, her anger only heightened. "Do you know what he did? Do you know what that ignoramus admitted to me just this morning?! He's moved! That's right! Moved! Without his wife!"

By now, Scott was leaned back as far as he could go in his chair, just a bit worried Dani might start throwing things or try swinging at fist at the nearest target.

Dani holds her glare on Dalton. "And do you know why he moved without his wife?! Because he's got another woman!! That's why!!" Her hand slams down on the edge of the desk. "You should have seen him tell me. All cool and calm like he was telling me he bought a new stereo or something. Well let me tell you, that half-wit's got another thing coming if he thinks I'm gonna approve of his ludicrous behavior!"

She resumes her circle of pacing as her hands do just as much talking as her mouth. "I'd like to take a shotgun and blow his moronic brains out is what I'd like to do. But even that wouldn't do any good, seeing as though his brain is obviously not what he's been thinking with." She scoffs. "Maybe there's a better target for that shotgun."

All of a sudden, she realizes that not only has she completely dominated the office, but Dalton...wasn't alone. Her cheeks grow red and she finally pauses long enough to catch her breath. She doesn't let go of her poise though, and she simply nods to Scott as if having known he was there all along. "Scott. Sorry to interrupt you two." Her tone was quieter now, and her eyes dart back to Dalton. "I just... needed to get that off my chest... before I really did go get a shotgun."

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