

Hearing Alec's voice Misty looks up and smiles as she takes the eggs off and put them on the plates before going back to the stove and getting the bacon doing the same. She was happy it smelled good to Alec seeing as she had no idea what he likes.

   "Well I am happy it smells good. I wasn't sure what you liked so I figured bacon, eggs, and toast how could you go wrong right?"

Cleaning up a little bit Misty finally sits down with Alec to enjoy the meal. She didn't have to be to work till a little later today so she had time to just enjoy herself. Saying a quick prayer and than digging into the food a hush falls over the table. 

Finally Misty sets down her fork though and breaks the silence. She had thought about this before going to bed, and than again in the morning. Now she wanted to try passing it by Alec to see what he though but in order to do so she had to open up a little more.

   "So I have an offer for you but first I need to let you know something. You're going to be an uncle because I am pregnant. Not many people know yet but you, Dani, Carson, Jason, and my Uncle."

Stopping for a second to take a sip of her orange juice before whiping her mouth and than talking again.

   "That being said I am going to need some help around the house because I wont be able to do everything myself. I have Jason who will be helping me but I am going to need a little more help and I was wondering till you found a job if you would like to work around the house for me and I can pay you a little something to help you out."

Sitting in the dinning room after a long morning Katie was tired and hungry. She'd seen her dad in the barn a little bit but didn't have time to stop and talk. Now though Katie left a spot for him to at least enjoy lunch. 

As time ticks slowly by and Jeff doesn't show up Katie wonders if maybe he decied to have lunch by himself today. Seeing Mick on the far side Katie stands and goes over to him giving a small smile.

   "Hey Mick, dad hasn't come to lunch yet, did he mention eating alone today?"

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