

Giving a thoughtful nod everything Alec described what was what she'd heard but she wanted to hear it from his mouth. She wanted to hear him tell her what was going on and why he needed help. Nothing was left out, he held nothing back, and he was honest with her. That was what she wanted to hear.

   "There is no need to worry about Carson finding you here. He doesn't live here anymore so you can stay as long as you want till you can find your own footing again."

Giving a soft smile to Alec Misty meant what she said no matter what happened, or what was going to happen just like Dani would always be family so was Alec. If he could get himself right, and at least have some kind of foothold than it was worth it for Misty to let him stay here for a little bit. 

Getting up and taking Alec's bowl Misty goes to the stove and pours a little more into it before returning and placing it in front of Alec. She wasn't sure how hungry he was but at least a little more would help warm and and fill his belly. If he was full already than he didn't have to eat it but she new he wouldn't ask for it himself.

   "So...have you looked into any construction work, or road work. They higher a lot of people in positions like yours. It's hard work, long hours, but they pay good and always have work waiting for them. Maybe thats something you can look into?!"

Standing Katie starts walking across the yard to the mess hall for something to drink. Hearing Hunter's excuses she rolls her eyes. If she was next to him she would of waked him over the back of the head for sure. He thought he was being smooth but he wasn't and Katie wouldn't fall for it.

   "There are city slickers who come to visit all the time, and the only think you'd have to pay for is the gas to get here. As long as you help out around the ranch you wouldn't be charged. Thats how this place works for those who are in need, and you sir are in need if I ever saw it."

Getting to the fridge and pulling out the pitcher of lemon aid Katie wondered who made it today. Still holding the phone with her shoulder and getting a glass she pours some. Sipping little the silence on the phone linger she can't help butt smack her lips. It was Becky who made it this time around. She could always tell because it was on the sweeter side just the way she liked it.

   "And the food is the best here too."

Leaving the kitchen now and heading back outside Katie takes a seat on swing deciding this would be her spot now till bed. Not to far away to put her glass before heading back to her bunk and a comfortable to chat with Hunter more.

   "As for your barstool, seeing as you almost killed yourself and someone else than thought it was smart to get drunk afterwards, I'd say it needs to be lonely. So....how about you stop trying to find an excuse that I'll continue to counter and just get you but out here eh? I miss seeing my friend." 

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