
Anything else?

Misty's questions did make sense to Jason. No... no, he wouldn't want to work things out if his spouse had done all that either. He just hoped a week from now that Carson was still happy with his decision. Yes, in a sad, pitiful way, Jason hoped he'd finally be happy. But he doubted it. A man like that, who could never keep his promises or keep his hands to himself... it was a hard, self-inflicted road that awaited him. And yet... it's what he deserved for such behavior. To have left Misty in this way was despicable.

"I'm sorry," Jason apologizes. He hadn't meant to upset Misty further - he was just in shock and had only wanted to make sure she wasn't only acting in the heat of the moment. Maybe she was, but he also recognized that look in her eye and he knew good and well that after today, she'd still feel the same. This wasn't just a fleeting decision she would regret. No... she'd made up her mind. 

Nodding, he follows her directions without any more questions. As he works though, his mind wanders. Cleaning out the desk, he found notes, trinkets and photos that spoke of the couple's love for each other. Smiles, short words of love... These were all things that Carson had betrayed. Turned his back on. Trampled on. And there were several painful moments when he thinks of Katie and all that had been torn apart for them too.

Jason works quickly, helping Misty get the worst of it over with. Although Carson deserved no mercy, Jason does his best to at least keep things piled together in the yard for easy pick-up. There was no point in strewning it about just for spite. The more he works though, the more his initial shock wears off and evolves into a righteous anger. Several times he stopped to watch Misty working, noting her bent shoulders, her hollow eyes, and her tears. They cut him to the quick and he wished there was more he could do to help her. But he knew there was not. There were no band aids for the heart. The most he could hope for was that despite Carson's absence being painful for Misty - that he never return. It wasn't fair to her. 

He wasn't sure how much time had passed when finally the couple pieces of furniture were moved out as well. But it seemed the job was about finished. Standing in the living room, he eyes Misty with uncertainty. Oh how he wished there was more he could do. Was she going to be okay? Not just on her own, but with a baby on the way too? 

"Is there anything else I can do?" he asks quietly. 

Hearing Dalton was going to ask Dani to marry him, Scott's grin widens. Then to be asked to be Dalton's best man? He beams. "Of course I will." He gives Dalton's arm a teasing punch. "I didn't know you two were that serious. That's great." 

He truly was happy for his friend. If he really thought about it, deep down there was a twinge of sadness, but it was only selfishness. It seemed most people he knew were moving on with their lives, and in a way, he felt as though he were standing still - or at least that he'd missed out on a whole chunk of life the last couple years. 

"Decided how you're gonna ask her yet?" 

"Mm..." Trent reaches over and gives Katie's hand a pat. "It's not waiting to see if it works out... it's just waiting for it to work out." 

Hearing the door open, his attention is diverted and he stands. "I better get out to the barn. You hang in there and I'll see you later, okay?" 

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