
Wait for no one

Giving a nod and a smile Jason didn't have to say anything else Misty understood what he was trying to say. Really it had always been like that....they had there own connection, understandmint and if things had been different in life maybe there own love. But it hadn't worked out that way. Jason was with Katie and Misty was married to Jarson and they couldn't be happier till now with this whole mess with Katie and Jason.

   "You're very welcome Jason. I am always here when you need to talk."

Walking Jason leave Misty hoped everything would work out. She never wished him ill will and she new how much he did love Katie. Now she just wanted them to be able to work things out together. Shaking her head and going back to her works Misty didn't stop again till Reese returned to the office.

Misty sets her pen down at Rick's question and thinks for a second about what Jason had said. Giving a little chuckle she stands and walks over to the counter leaning on it. She felt bad for Rick sometimes everyone always gave him a hard time.

   "He told me to tell you if your needed anything else to let him know and he wouldn't snap, but first...I need you to do me a favor."

Looking down for a second Misty digs her toe of her shoe into one of the tials. Did she really want to ask? Did she really want to know? What if it wasn't true, and what if it was? How would she tell Carson, would he be upset? She had to know though so looking up again she does her best to even in this be brave.

   "I need you to take some of my blood and to run some tests..well..one really. I've been feeling pretty funny the last few weeks and...have missed some pretty normal things for me. And well...I..."

Misty runs a hand along the back of her neck. Why this felt so strange and so hard to ask she wasn't sure. Maybe it had to do with her husband really never wanting life like this, or that things had been so strange at him.

   "...I think I might be with child, but I need to know for sure before I tell anyone. So if you can keep this between us and do the test for me that would really mean a lot."

   "You know I would Hunter, and you know how to get a hold of me. Thanks again."

Giving a wave and picking up her dirty clothing Katie makes sure she has everything before taking her keys last. Turning and giving Hunter a little wave she slips out the door and gets into her car. While some might think she would go to work that is not where Katie aims. Instead she heads for home, she just didn't want to face anyone...not yet.

...A few days pass and nothing slows down. Time moves, people move and time......it waits for no one. No matter the situation, no matter the reason it continues to tick letting us know that all to soon it will be gone.

Stopping out onto the main floor Katie scans the area. She new today was Jason's day off and it was the right time for her to see Reese. She just didn't want to see him still...maybe somewhere inside she new she had hurt him and for that she was sorry but she had been hurt too.

Swiftly making her way across the floor she gives a small nod to Susanne. Reese was expecting her so she new she wouldn't have to make sure he wasn't in the middle of anything. Giving a knock on the door and waiting to hear Reese's voice Katie takes a deep breath and enters sitting down in one of the chairs across from his desk.

   "Thanks for seeing me Reese and giving me the few days off I had asked for."

Katie lets out another sigh. Now that she was here she wasn't sure what she was going to say to him. She new what she wanted to ask but how...and she would know he would want to know why so she'd have to figure out how to explain it.

   "I...I don't know if you have herd that Jason and I have broken up. Since we lost our connection there had been a lot of strain. I...finally broke and ended it. I'm pretty messed up right now Reese. I can't think straight, I don't know how to feel, I'm depressed and I am taking it out on everyone I shouldn't be."

Searching her boss face Katie always felt comfortable talking to him. Even if she did have a hard time trying to explain what on she was trying to say. She new he would get the point and understand her words.

   "So I wanted to know if you would approve if I used my personal time to go back to Texas and spend some time at the ranch with my family and try to fix who I am. It's not fair if I stay here and can't live up to my full potential. I just need time to fix me...if you'll let me."

Seeing Eric coming Stacy gives him a once over and a smile spreads across her face. It made her happy that Eric wanted to talk with her on her rounds. She enjoyed the company and the quiet he offered.

   "Ah yes, the date. Wan't sure if we were calling it that or not with how fast you took earlier."

Turning to start the walk she waits knowing Eric said tonight he would be going a little slower. She wasn't in any hurry so it was fine with her and honestly, knowing that Eric was by her side on this walk the slower it was the better because the longer it would last.

   "I don't mind you called it a date though. It has a nice ring to it."

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