
Sleeping Beauty

Letting Katie nuzzle into him, Hunter drapes his arm around her. He still felt badly for her and all she'd been through lately. It didn't seem fair. He wasn't in the habit of sticking his nose in or randomly offering help... but as he'd concluded before, Katie was different. 

It wasn't long before he realizes she'd slipped off to sleep and a small smile creases his lips. She looked like an exhausted, frightened little girl and somehow it tugged his heartstrings just a bit. His fingers find themselves gently running through her hair before he gives her shoulder a little pat. He knew she was far enough gone that he needn't worry about her waking. 

Rising slowly from the couch, he manages to gently lie Katie down with a pillow under her head. Taking off her shoes, he then grabs a blanket and lays it over her before turning off the television. He'd let her sleep. As long as she wasn't out doing something stupid to hurt herself, he was happy... 

...Sunshine peeked in around the closed curtains in the living room, giving it a soft glow. It was already nine o'clock and Hunter had been up for an hour. Having already showered and donned clean clothes, he'd been extra quiet, letting the sleeping bundle on the couch remain as such. But it was getting late and he knew she probably needed to get up and either go to work, or call in - he imagined it would be the latter. 

Easing down on the couch next to Katie, he sets the small glass of orange juice and a couple aspirin on the coffee table. "Hey, sleeping beauty..." He trails a finger down her arm, trying to gently wake her up. He kept his tone quiet, knowing she would probably wake to a nice headache. "How about something to drink and a nice hot shower, hmm?"

As Grace enters the room, Jared can't help it that his eyebrows rise. No, he wasn't surprised to see her since he'd forgotten it was her day off, but yes, he was surprised to see her in such a pretty dress, all done up like she was headed somewhere special. But she was just here to see him? 

Despite his dismal mood, a little laugh comes to he surface at her comment about his flirting. What really caught his attention though was the thought of getting some fresh air. "You kidding? This room gets smaller every day. I'd do anything to get out of it for just five minutes." Especially today... but he wouldn't say that. Grace seemed so happy and perky that he didn't want to lay his troubles on her again. He looks down, hoping she wouldn't notice the darkness in his eyes, and tries to quickly cover it up. 

"Not to mention, having someone as pretty as you push me around in a wheelchair sounds rather thrilling." 

Eric makes his way slowly to the dining hall, gingerly favoring his leg. It felt a little better than this morning - at least he could actually move it. But it was probably going to take a few days to get back to normal again. He'd gone ahead and given Ashlee a riding lesson today anyway since he could stay on the ground and he was only having her practice sitting correctly while keeping the horse at a walk. Not that Angel would approve, but he wasn't about to disappoint Ashlee. Other than that, he'd stuck to cleaning tack, helping with some paperwork... and maybe he'd cleaned a stall or two, but only so he wouldn't go stir crazy. The only thing missing all day had been Stacy - he'd been busy, she'd been busy, and he'd only seen her from a distance once or twice to wave, but that was it. A part of him wished for evening to come quickly so he could ask to walk on her rounds with her again... and a part of him hoped that last night hadn't just been a fleeting moment, now forgotten. He certainly didn't feel any differently today... did Stacy? 

Getting inside, he takes off his hat and scans the tables. Seeing Stacy and Ashlee in their normal spots, a smile spreads on his face. Making his way over to them, he gestures to the empty chair next to Stacy. "Good evening, ladies. Is this seat taken?" 

Mick looks around the room and sighs. He hadn't seen Dylan all day, and hoped he'd at least show up for supper. So much for that.

"Hey, Dad." Jade gives him a smile as she heads from the kitchen, having been helping Becky. Seeing his furrowed brow though, she stops. "Something wrong?"

"Nah..." He shrugs. "Just noticing Dylan skipping out on supper again."

"Oh, didn't he tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He went over to Sparky and Faith's to eat."

Mick lifts an eyebrow, a bit surprised. "Oh."

Jade wasn't sure if it was annoyance or disappointment she saw, but either way, she felt badly that he wasn't happy about it. She tries her best to give him a smile anyway though. "I gotta go pour some drinks. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." Mick forces a returned smile before wandering to a nearby table to sit. Another weary sigh surfaces. What was it Sparky had that he didn't? Would he ever understand?

"Mmm... boy, this is good." Sparky takes another bite of roast beef, complimenting Faith on the tasty supper. 

Across the table, Dylan nods his agreement. "How come you don't let her cook for you every night?" 

Sparky chuckles. "It's called being sociable." He tosses a wink at Faith. "Not that we go to the dining hall every evening though." 

A faint wry grin settles on Dylan's lips. He knew some people had felt funny about Faith and Sparky getting married - their backgrounds were so very different, let alone the age span between them. But as far as Dylan was concerned, they seemed perfect for each other and... he kind of liked being in their home. It was warm... peaceful... safe. 

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