

Hunter holds a wry grin and nods, knowing that if he argued, he'd be in hot water. "Yeah, okay." His eyes move to the side, seeing a rather tense look on Jason's face. He clears his throat and looks back to Katie. "Maybe dinner's not such a good idea, eh?" His grin turns into a smile. "But I got my phone on me. Take it easy." Waving, he turns to leave without giving the chance of any further awkwardness. 

Watching him leave, Jason knew the other man had taken the hint. He didn't mind that Katie was friends with him - having friends wasn't anything that Jason would ever mind. But even know she'd suggested dinner again, and that made him bristle. Perhaps now though, Hunter would know better. 

Looking back down at Katie, he gives her a sorry kind of smile. "Thanks... for saying yes. I, um..." He bites his lip and leans on the top of the cubicle wall. "I'm sorry I've avoided you the last few days... I was just hoping we could have a nice lunch and..." He shrugs. "Just if you really want to though." 

Watching Victoria leave, Garret knew better than to wave. She was a business associate - nothing more. Anything else witnessed and that would be the end of their relationship. 

His eyes follow the car as it leaves, wondering about where she was going and why. All she'd said was that it was a mission - it was all she was allowed to tell. If he'd been well, he would know the details. But Medridge never let anybody work when they were weak, because they weren't at the top of their game. Garret knew the car was probably headed to the airstrip. Medridge's vehicle of choice was his private jet - no matter where he sent his agents. There were times Garret wondered if an hour trip in the air was actually just to a location nearby... but nobody ever knew. The only thing Garret knew was that they were in Europe. When going to the United States, he'd been taken to the airport and from there, he knew where he was. But other than that, he was just as much in the dark as everybody else. 

Sighing, Garret turns and puts his hand to his side as he walks slowly back inside. It would only be a few days until Victoria returned. But a lot can happen in a short amount of time. Determined to get back into the swing of things Garret insisted he was fine, able to once more be at Medridge's side. Agents came and went and Medridge remained busy with planning, contacting field agents and more. Garret involved himself with planning future missions and also continued working with Medridge on finding their leak. And once a small piece of evidence finally came in, the truth was found out....

...Garret paces the small grove in the dark, his mind reeling more than it had in a long time. Victoria was back. At least she was supposed to be today. He had yet to see her, but he'd opted to come to their hiding place in case she wanted to see him. He needed to talk to her before she talked to anyone else. He didn't want to. But he needed to. He didn't want to be the one to inform her of what had been happening and what they'd found. But he knew it should be him instead of somebody else. So he continues to wait... and continues to pace in nervousness.

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